Next Meeting: March 8th 2011

Next meeting: Tuesday, March 8th, 7pm at Whitehill School.

In addition to the general public being warmly encouraged to attend, specific invites are sent to the following:

Cllr. Patricia Chalmers, Cllr. Frank Docherty, Cllr. Jennifer Dunn, and Cllr. Elaine McDougall (all of Dennistoun Ward)., Cllr. Ruth Simpson (of Calton Ward, i.e. area south of Duke St), Paul Martin MSP, Willie Bain MP, PC Andrew Law of Strathclyde Police, and Sally Clegg, Principal Librarian for North and East Glasgow.

Agenda items include ‘Planning applications’, ‘Police report’, and ‘Any other competent business’. Full agenda available here.


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Dennistoun CC

Dennistoun CC's aim is to ascertain, coordinate and express the views of the wider community. It seeks to promote the Dennistoun area as a positive and inclusive neighbourhood.

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