Liveable Neighbourhood Consultation

Glasgow's Liveable Neighbourhoods
Glasgow’s Liveable Neighbourhoods

A Liveable Neighbourhood supports living, working, commerce and culture within its area; encourages sustainable transport to move around it; and has a distinct character. Liveable Neighbourhoods are also known as 20-minute neighbourhoods, where people can meet their everyday needs within a short walk or cycle.

Glasgow’s Liveable Neighbourhoods will be accessible and healthy places that allow people of all ages and abilities, to play and socialise outdoors in their local area, as well as making walking, cycling and public transport the first choice.

Liveable Neighbourhood Key Themes
Liveable Neighbourhood Key Themes

Collective Architecture and Arcadis are working with Glasgow City Council to develop the first tranche of Liveable Neighbourhoods for the City which includes the Dennistoun, Haghill, Riddrie, Carntyne and Cranhill area.

Proposed Liveable Neighbourhood Areas
Proposed Liveable Neighbourhood Areas
Continue reading Liveable Neighbourhood Consultation

Transport Strategy Consultation

Transport Strategy 2021 Draft Policy Framework
Transport Strategy 2021 Draft Policy Framework

Consultation open until Friday 26th November 2021. Update on 22 Nov: The consultation period for the Glasgow Transport Strategy: Draft Policy Framework has been extended by a week to midnight Friday 3rd December 2021.

Continue reading Transport Strategy Consultation

Active Travel Strategy Consultation

Active Travel Strategy 2022-2031 Draft
Active Travel Strategy 2022-2031 Draft

Consultation open until Monday 22nd November 2021 Sunday 5th December 2021.

Glasgow City Council is delivering an Active Travel Strategy, designed to achieve significant modal shift across the city to walking, wheeling and cycling. It is intended to supersede the existing Strategic Plan for Cycling 2016-2025.

The strategy is a recognition of the positive impact that transport, and active travel in particular, can make towards city’s wider policy objectives on Climate and the Environment, Health and Wellbeing, Inclusion and Equality and Wealth and Inclusive Growth. The public conversation in Autumn 2020 directly informed the policies and actions proposed in this draft strategy.

Continue reading Active Travel Strategy Consultation

Meeting Minutes: 12th October 2021

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 12th October are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th January 2022, from 7pm, venue to be confirmed, and online, via Zoom.

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Next Meeting: 9th November 2021

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 9th November 2021 from 7pm, at Bluevale Community Centre, 30 Abernethy Street, G31 3SX, and online via Zoom.

The agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 9th November 2021

Follow-up on Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership

Glasgow City Council (GCC) recently responded to the most recent query from Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) in an ongoing dialogue regarding various maintenance and streetscape issues in Dennistoun.

Prior related posts on this can be viewed here and here.

The GCC reply dated 5th October 2021 is below.

It is followed by a response from Dennistoun Community Council.

Continue reading Follow-up on Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership