Food Inequality Inquiry – Call for Evidence

Glasgow City Council is holding an inquiry into food poverty and inequality across the city and is seeking evidence and views on this important subject.

The Council is aware increasing numbers of people in Glasgow are experiencing difficulties – physically and economically – accessing sufficient, safe and nutritious food. It also knows of a wide range of organisations and charities are responding to those experiencing acute food insecurity – including an established community food sector. It wishes to work with these partners and organisations across Glasgow to ensure the city is operating these responses and services as effectively as possible.

Continue reading Food Inequality Inquiry – Call for Evidence


Next Meeting: 10th July 2018

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 10th July, 7pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX. Full agenda and venue details are available here.

Police and elected members will provide updates. Some time is allocated for general public input in the early part of meetings. Requests for specific items requiring a dedicated time slot to be added to the agenda should be directed to the secretary a fortnight in advance of any upcoming meeting. Contact details here. Alternatively, you may address the meeting, by request to the chair, under the ‘public input’ agenda item.


Meeting Minutes: 8th May 2018

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council planning meeting held on Tuesday 8th May 2018 are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 10th July, 7pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX.
