Next meeting: Tuesday, November 8th, 7pm at Whitehill School.
The Community Council has been contacted by a member of the public regarding the new arrangements for collection of non-domestic/bulk refuse, as indicated by Glasgow City Council.
In recognition of this, the agenda for the next DCC meeting includes non-domestic/bulk refuse collection as an item for discussion.
It would be helpful to get a sense that it is a community (rather than an individual) issue, and, if concerns are raised, DCC can seek an update from Land and Environmental Services and/or take follow-up action accordingly.
A discussion about this issue is taking place on the forum at Dennistoun Online. Comments made there will be considered as part of the discussion.
The full agenda for the meeting is available here.
All meetings of the community council are open to members of the public, who have a right to attend all community council meetings, and are warmly invited to do so. They may contribute to discussion of agenda items with the consent of the chairperson.
Requests for specific items to be included on the agenda of the following community council meeting (Tuesday, December 13th) should be intimated in writing fourteen days prior to the commencement of said meeting (i.e. by Tuesday, November 29th). Contact details here.
A summary of all comments relating to bulk refuse collection made between 31 October 2011 and 04 January 2012, on the Dennistoun Online forum or direct to DCC (at meetings or via this site), has now been compiled.
DCC will proceed with any relevant follow-up action based upon these findings, and any further information on the matter will be made public when, or if, it transpires.
Thank you for your input.