The United States presidency is not the only position up for election this autumn. Our local version of Election 2012 seeks local residents wishing to become Dennistoun Community Council members.
All current DCC members and office bearers are up for re-election in October (along with members of a number of other community councils across Glasgow). This is to fit in with a phased approach to community council elections across the city. A number of the current members became DCC community councillors in January 2011 as a result of an emergency meeting instigated by Glasgow City Council’s Community Councils Resource Unit (CCRC). There was no election required then as the number of people interested in joining DCC was the same as the number of places available.
There are currently 15 places available for election (although this may be subject to change to allow for additional members if there is a high level of interest). Current members and office bearers are listed on our Representatives page. The applicable geographical area can be viewed on our Locality page. The nomination form can be downloaded here.
Notes for candidates:
- When completed this form should be returned no later than 12 noon on Friday 7th September 2012 to: Independent Returning Officer, Dennistoun Community Council Election, FREEPOST RRAR-TXKT-XREH, Community Council Support Service, Glasgow City Council, 82 George Square, Glasgow, G2 1DU. Hand delivered forms should be handed in to the reception desk at 23 Montrose Street where it will be collected by a relevant member of staff. Telephone 0141 287 4723 for further details.
- All persons aged over 16 years and resident in the community council area can stand for election. There are 15 places available for election. Should 15 or fewer nominations be received by the closing date, the uncontested election meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th October 2012 and will begin at 7.00pm in Whitehill Secondary School. If more than 15 nominations are received by the closing date then a secret ballot will take place on 9th October 2012 in Whitehill Secondary School, commencing at 5.30pm.
- All persons aged over 16 years and resident in the community council area are entitled to vote in elections.
- All proposers and seconders must also be resident in the community council area and aged over 16 years.
- Candidates, proposers and seconders names should appear on either the electoral register or a supplementary list. An application form to be included on the supplementary list may be obtained from the independent returning officer (telephone 0141 287 4723). This form must be returned with all the necessary proof of residency no later than 12 noon on Friday 7th September 2012.
- If you submit a valid nomination form, the independent returning officer will contact you in writing to confirm the validity of your nomination and will inform you in writing at the close of nominations if a contested election will take place.
- Succesful candidates will be elected to the community council for a period of two years (with office bearer positions up for election annually).
DCC will endeavour in due course to provide the foregoing information at the following locations: Dennistoun Library, Co-operative Store, Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre, Dennistoun Library, Wellpark Community Hall, Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre, Milnbank Housing Association, The Co-operative Store, John Wheatley College, Haghill Park Community Sports Centre, Wasps Studios.
Upcoming Dates:
- 7th September: Closing date for nominations.
- 11th September: Ordinary DCC Meeting.
- 9th October: Elections take place. DCC AGM.