Pedal on Parliament is a free, family friendly event on Sunday 23rd April at 1pm (gathering from 12:30pm). It’s a short ride from Glasgow Green (McLennan Arch) to a demo in George Square. It’s on closed roads so even wee kids can ride/skate/skoot along. You can join in on your own bike or a hire bike (there’s a free offer on the day – see below). Alternatively, you can walk the route (if you get down the front for 1pm).
PoP has run successfully in Edinburgh for 5 years (and Aberdeen for 2) but this its first time in Glasgow and Inverness. Edinburgh gets about 5,000 people so Glasgow has a lot to live up to!
Further details:
- PoP website –
- Facebook event –
- Free hire bike offer –
To ensure the event goes ahead, PoP needs more stewards. No experience necessary, you just need a mobile phone and you will get briefed on the day. Sign up here.