Dear Community,
In response to correspondence received on 28 November 2018 from a member of the public about a #LightUpDennistoun Christmas light project for Duke Street and Alexandra Parade, Dennistoun Community Council discussed this item under the Correspondence Agenda Item at our 11 December 2018 meeting. The correspondence highlighted that there had been comments made in response to this project on the Dennistoun Information Page. Community Councillors felt that given the public interest, that it would be most appropriate to publish our response. Community Councillors were pleased to hear about the ideas for street lights being proposed for Bellgrove to Millerston Street and Craigielea Street to Alexandra Park Street at the December meeting.
Several projects are currently in progress by the volunteers of Dennistoun Community Council such as the 2019 installation of 5 community noticeboards in Dennistoun and Haghill, supporting Alexandra Park Festival 2019, responding to the Spring 2019 parking consultation for Dennistoun, increasing participation and engagement in community plans for the Bellgrove Meat Market Site, distributing Day out in Dennistoun local maps and developing a Welcome Pack for new residents, refugees and asylum seekers in our ward.
In light of the council’s existing Dennistoun Action Plan for 2019-20, community councillors were in agreement that for the #LightUpDennistoun proposal to progress at the pace it would require for a 2019 installation, a convened community steering group focused solely on a Christmas light project and independent of Dennistoun Community Council but with the Council’s support and representation if appropriate, would be best placed to lead this proposal. There are a number of fantastic fundraising success stories which have been spearheaded in our community and we have no doubt if the public is behind such proposals, the money will be raised alongside plans for the appropriate infrastructure, maintenance and planning.
Dennistoun Community Council recommends any interested parties should contact Dennistoun’s City Councillors, Allan Casey, Kim Long and Elaine McDougall for their thoughts on how to progress this within the ward and wishes all parties taking up this mantle every success with their endeavours.
Warm regards and best wishes for 2019 from all your Dennistoun Community Councillors.
Click the above image or here for a PDF version of this response.