Meeting Minutes: 9th July 2019 and Meeting Notes: 13th August 2019

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2019 and notes from the planning meeting held on 13th August 2019 are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 8th October, from 7:30pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX following the AGM at 7pm.

Subscribe! To get DCC updates delivered to your inbox, enter your email address into the box in the menu section of this site and click Subscribe Now! (To the left of the screen in desktop view, or via the menu button at the top of the screen in mobile view). Easy to unsubscribe from at any time.


Next Meeting: 10th September 2019

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 10th September 2019 from 7pm at Bluevale Community Centre, 30 Abernethy Street, G31 3SX.

The full agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input.

A full list of 2019 meetings can be viewed here. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.


Meeting Minutes: 11th June 2019

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council planning meeting held on Tuesday 11th June 2019 are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 10th September, from 7pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX.

Subscribe! To get DCC updates delivered to your inbox, enter your email address into the box in the menu section of this site and click Subscribe Now! (To the left of the screen in desktop view, or via the menu button at the top of the screen in mobile view). Easy to unsubscribe from at any time.


Dennistoun and Royston Restricted Parking Zone Proposal

Dennistoun and Royston Restricted Parking Zone Proposal (shown in pink, compared to existing Glasgow RPZs)
Dennistoun and Royston Restricted Parking Zone Proposal (shown in pink, compared to existing Glasgow RPZs)

Glasgow City Council is proposing parking controls, 20 mph speed limits and various new one way streets for Dennistoun as part of the ‘Dennistoun and Royston Parking Controls’ proposal. These proposals can be viewed via

Continue reading Dennistoun and Royston Restricted Parking Zone Proposal

Next Meeting: 9th July 2019

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 9th July 2019 from 7pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX.

The full agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input.

A full list of 2019 meetings can be viewed here. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.


Meeting Minutes: 14th May 2019

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council planning meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2019 are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th July, from 7pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX.

To get DCC updates delivered to your inbox, enter your email address into the box in the menu section of this site and click Subscribe Now! (To the left of the screen in desktop view, or via the menu button at the top of the screen in mobile view). Easy to unsubscribe from at any time.


Next Meeting: 11th June 2019

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 11th June 2019 from 7pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX.

The full agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input.

A full list of 2019 meetings can be viewed here. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.


Next Meeting: 14th May 2019

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 14th May 2019 from 7pm at Bluevale Community Centre, 30 Abernethy Street, G31 3SX. Time will be allocated for general public input. The full agenda is available here. A full list of 2019 meetings can be viewed here. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.


Next Meeting: 12th March 2019

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 12th March 2019 from 7pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX. Time will be allocated for general public input. The full agenda is available here. A full list of 2019 meetings can be viewed here. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.


Public Meeting Invitee Clarification

In advance of recent articles about Dennistoun Community Council’s Public Meeting, DCC was contacted by The Evening Times to clarify who was invited to our Public Meeting on Thursday 17th January 2019.

Our comments and attributable quotes made clear the circumstances around meeting invitations but they were not used by the journalist.

Continue reading Public Meeting Invitee Clarification