Next Meeting: 10th September 2013

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 10th September, 7pm in The School Library, Whitehill Secondary School, 280 Onslow Drive, Glasgow G31 2QF. Police and elected members will provide updates. Full agenda available here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 10th September 2013


Meeting Minutes: 9th July 2013

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2013 at Haghill Park Primary are now available at

Dates of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 10th September, 7pm at Whitehill Secondary.


Meeting on Welfare Reforms

The changes to the benefits system being introduced by the UK government are a considerable concern to many vulnerable residents.

There will be an opportunity to hear about the impact these changes will have on people, and consider how best to respond, at a public meeting to be hosted by Glasgow North East MP Willie Bain.

Continue reading Meeting on Welfare Reforms
