The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 9th December, 7pm at the Gingerbread Hall, 128 Armadale Street, Dennistoun, G31 2TL.
You are warmly invited to attend all community council meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Police and elected members will provide updates. Full agenda available here.
Time is allocated for public input in the early part of meetings. Requests for specific items to be added to the agenda should be directed to the secretary a fortnight in advance. Contact details here.
Please share and pass this notice on via your networks to those for whom it may be of interest.
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend but could you please raise the issue of a car crash/accident on Thursday afternoon at the lollipop crossing at Onslow Drive/Armadale Street the cars narrowly avoided Eric and a pole was damaged normally where he stands. Parents at Golfhill have raised the issue of inadequate signage eg 20 signs and the school children crossing road sign. There also used to be two lollipop attendants and it is a busy crossroads as it provides a safe crossing to two / three primary schools and a secondary school a nursery school. It is also very dangerous at the Whitehill leisure area car park as many do not realise that there is a school campus next door. The police did attend the accident. If you require a letter from parent council I am happy to arrange . Best wishes and apologies. Merry Christmas
Update: This issue was raised at the December meeting. It was acknowledged and additional comments about traffic in the drives area were added by those present. Further consideration is due to be given to the issue. The minutes (to be published on this site when approved at the January meeting) will confirm details.