A 2019 General Election Hustings for the Glasgow North East constituency will be hosted and chaired by Dennistoun Community Council on Thursday 5th December 2019 at Drygate Brewery, 85 Drygate, Glasgow, G4 0UT. Doors open at 7:00pm. 7:15pm start. 8:45pm finish.
Meet your prospective parliamentary candidates for the Glasgow North East constituency. Take part in local debate and discussion. Ask questions on issues of concern to you.
All candidates standing for election in the Glasgow North East constituency have been invited and have responded to confirm their intention to attend. They are:
- Lauren Bennie (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)
- Anne McLaughlin (Scottish National Party)
- Nicholas Moohan (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
- Paul Sweeney (Scottish Labour and Co-operative Party)
The Hustings Chair will make opening remarks and introduce the candidates, who will each then give a short opening statement. After these statements, the event will be opened up to questions from the audience. The event will end with closing statements from each of the candidates.
To make sure as many people as possible get to ask questions, please submit your question in writing, with your name, at the event. You can do this at home and then hand it to DCC members on the door, although pens and paper will be available in case you don’t have time before you arrive. The organisers will sort the written questions into topics so we can cover as much ground as possible. The Hustings Chair will invite you to ask your question to the candidates. If you would rather have the Hustings Chair ask your question on your behalf, you don’t need to put your name. Please note that none of the candidates will see any of the questions beforehand.
The event will be filmed.
The venue allows access to under 18s. The brewery will not be serving alcohol in the event space. Please message us for help with any accessibility requirements that you may have.
Facebook event page here: facebook.com/events/3266743426689064.
As part of the General Election Hustings, Dennistoun Community Council is supporting the Glasgow North East Foodbank network. There will be a food donation box available for dry goods, should anyone wish to donate on Thursday 5th December. Further information can be found at glasgowne.foodbank.org.uk.
Please also note that three current Dennistoun Community Councillors have been selected as prospective parliamentary candidates for this General Election (for three different parties, with two candidates standing in this constituency). These members of the Community Council have not had any involvement with the planning or running of this hustings event. Further information about the Community Council constitution, and a statement on party-political neutrality, can be found via dennistouncc.org.uk/about.
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