Next Meeting: 8th June 2021

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 8th June 2021 from 7pm online via Zoom.

The agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 8th June 2021

Meeting Minutes: 9th March 2021, and Meeting Notes: 13th April 2021

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 9th March and notes from the planning meeting held on 13th April 2020 are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 8th June 2021, from 7:00pm online, via Zoom.

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Update on Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ scheme in Dennistoun

An update on the Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) enquiry sent on 15th March 2021 regarding the Spaces for People (SfP) ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ scheme in Dennistoun, asking ten questions arising.

Glasgow City Council responded on 12th April 2021. That response was discussed at the DCC planning meeting held on 13th April 2021.

DCC then submitted comments and questions in return, to GCC, on 11th May 2021. It was copied to Dennistoun Ward Councillors Allan Casey, Kim Long and Elaine McDougall; Cllr Anna Richardson (City Convener for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction); and Sustrans Scotland.

Original DCC (March 2021) questions in black; GCC (April 2021) responses in blue; latest DCC (May 2021) comments and questions in green.

Continue reading Update on Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ scheme in Dennistoun

Next Meeting: 11th May 2021

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 11th May 2021 from 7pm online via Zoom.

The agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 11th May 2021

2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings – Glasgow Provan Constituency

Dennistoun Community Council - 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings - Glasgow Provan Constituency
Dennistoun Community Council – 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings – Glasgow Provan Constituency

A 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings for the Glasgow Provan constituency will be hosted and chaired by Dennistoun Community Council on Thursday 22nd April 2021 starting at 7pm and finishing at 9pm, held online at

Continue reading 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings – Glasgow Provan Constituency

Sustainable Car Use

If you own a car that you don’t use every day, or you don’t own a car but would like access to one, a car club provides the option of affordable occasional access to a local vehicle.

Car club vehicles are cleaner than the average car (at 33% lower CO2 emissions per kilometre) without the hassles and expense of ownership (such as tax, MOT, insurance, fuel, servicing, repairs, depreciation and parking). If you drive less than 6,000 – 8,000 miles per year, a car club could save up to £3,500 a year.

As multiple users share one car and one parking space, parking pressures are much reduced, typically removing the need for more than 10 privately owned cars which would otherwise be stored on public roads while not in use.

Access to a vehicle without the upfront and fixed expense of ownership can also help tackle social exclusion and improve quality of life where the level car ownership is low, such as Glasgow, where fewer than half of households have access to a private car.

Continue reading Sustainable Car Use

Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ Scheme in Dennistoun

We write regarding the Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ scheme in Dennistoun and further to the Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) Statement on Traffic and Streetscape published on Monday 7th December 2020, which was sent to all Dennistoun and Calton Ward Councillors and Cllr Anna Richardson (as City Convener for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction).

This was followed-up with further discussion at the January and February DCC meetings, which were attended by local Councillors and are minuted here:

Our most recent DCC meeting, held on 9th March 2021, was attended by more than a dozen members of the public wishing to discuss the scheme. Additionally, approximately 30 items of correspondence have been recently received by DCC, expressing a broad range of sentiments on the scheme. Many residents are greatly concerned by the lack of clear communication from GCC. Notably, some common themes have emerged, regardless of whether sentiment is broadly for or against:

  • Better, safer, provision around schools is generally supported in principle;
  • Better, safer, active travel provision and public transport as a general principle are supported;
  • It is felt that the new no entries and one ways have rerouted traffic, for reasons that have not been clearly explained, to minimal or no obvious benefit at best, or to a clear detriment at worst;
  • Reasons for particular dissatisfaction or concern include: road safety issues created arising from non-compliance of vehicular traffic; increases in volumes of traffic on roads not suited to it; removal of contraflow cycling provision and overall available roadspace; noise concerns; and potential pollution and air quality issues arising if traffic levels are not sufficiently reduced as a counter to the longer through routes created.

DCC therefore seeks answers to the following questions:

Continue reading Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ Scheme in Dennistoun

Meeting Minutes: 9th February 2021

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 9th February are now available at

Minutes of the meeting held on 9th March are to be approved at the next ordinary meeting, in May. It is intended that an update note will be published shortly, summarising the discussion held about the recently introduced traffic measures.

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th May 2021, from 7:00pm online, via Zoom.

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Next Meeting: 9th March 2021

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 9th March 2021 from 7pm online via Zoom.

The agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.

If you would like to attend the meeting on Zoom, please email to register your interest, and you will be sent details of how to join in shortly before the meeting starts.

If you are unable to join us on Zoom, you can still submit questions for discussion, also to

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Major Internet Outage

Thousands of people in Dennistoun and neighbouring areas in Glasgow’s East End are currently without broadband internet due to problems linked to the Bridgeton Openreach exchange that occurred last night (Sun 21st Feb). Full details have not been confirmed, but there have been suggestions that service may not resume before Thursday evening (25th Feb). A power incident related to underground Scottish Power cables is believed to have been the cause of disruption to the Openreach network. Engineers are understood to be working to resolve the problem, but the issue has been described as “complex”.

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