Historic Guided Walk of Dennistoun

Westercraigs at Annfield Place
Westercraigs at Annfield Place

Dennistoun Conservation Society are hosting a free historic guided walk of the area on Saturday 10th August.

The tour will be led by DCS Vice Convener Peter Douglas. No booking required. Meet at 11am, at the Post Office at the corner of Annfield Place and Westercraigs.


Alexandra Park Festival 2013: Saturday 27th July

Alexandra Park Festival
Alexandra Park Festival

A range of east end Glasgow groups and organisations come together in Dennistoun on Saturday 27th July to put on the fourth annual Alexandra Park Festival 2013.

The event runs from 12 noon until 4pm, and entry is free.

It will be a great fun day out for everyone, with lots of attractions including food, sports, live music, art and craft market, inflatables, information stalls, and prizes to be won.

Alexandra Park address: 10 Sannox Gardens, Glasgow, G31 3JE – see our Locality page for a map.


Code of Conduct for Property Factors

Code of Conduct for Property Factors
Code of Conduct for Property Factors

Dennistoun Community Council has been asked for help on number of occasions with regard to a variety of factoring issues.

The unfortunate situation is that so many variables affect your relationship with a property management company. These can depend on the title deeds to your property, the agreement signed with a factoring company, and conditions in place that you were informed about when you bought your property.

A person in one property may be bound by title deeds terms and conditions that have no relevance for their neighbour in the next close. As there is no universal answer to so many factoring problems, Dennistoun Community Council suggests you read the Code of Conduct for Property Factors.

This Code came into operation in October 2012, along with a legal obligation for all factors to register (background info here). While the Code of Conduct is voluntary, consistent disregard by a factor could see them de-registered. The legislation also set up Housing Panels, a mechanism for intervening in disputes with factors if the initial complaint procedure still leaves a house owner unsatisfied.

You can read the Code of Conduct for Property Factors online at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2012/07/6791/0 or, alternatively, download a PDF copy here, which is suitable for printing, copying and distribution.


Parade Artists Summer Exhibition

Parade Artists Summer Exhibition
Parade Artists Summer Exhibition

On Saturday June 8th from 11am until 5pm and on Sunday 9th June from 12 noon until 5pm there will be a full exhibition of Ceramic art, Glass Art, Paintings, Prints and Textiles at the WASPS Artists’ Studios at 77 Hanson Street, Glasgow, G31 2HF.

Continue reading Parade Artists Summer Exhibition


Computer Classes

Glasgow Life Computer Courses for Beginners
Glasgow Life Computer Courses for Beginners

Do you know someone who would like to get online, search the Internet and send emails? Or just find out how to switch on a computer? Perhaps they, or you, would like a recognised qualification to prove those newly acquired knowledge and skills? If so, Glasgow Libraries offers a variety of computer courses – from absolute beginners to intermediate learners.

Continue reading Computer Classes
