Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Tickets

Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Tickets
Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Tickets

Tickets to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games are now on sale – and there are only 10 days left for you to apply for them! The application period will close on 16 September.

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Glasgow’s Newest Triathlon Club

Glasgow Urban Triathlon
Glasgow Urban Triathlon

Glasgow’s newest triathlon club is starting up in the East End of the city.  Based out of Dennistoun it will be looking to take advantage of some of the best facilities being developed for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, as well as the best natural surroundings money can buy!

Continue reading Glasgow’s Newest Triathlon Club


Glasgow 2014 – Your Opportunity to be Involved

Glasgow 2014 Voluteering
Glasgow 2014 Voluteering

Glasgow 2014 – your city, your Games, your opportunity to be involved.

It’s not just athletes at the heart of the Games. You could be too. Everyone in Glasgow is being encouraged to take part in the Games, and one great way to do so is to volunteer.

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Cubie Street Sorting Office Closure: Proposed Changes

Save Our Sorting Office: Proposed Changes
Save Our Sorting Office: Proposed Changes

This is the third in a series of three updates on the closure of the Royal Mail Sorting Office at 130 Cubie Street, Glasgow, G40 2AF and subsequent relocation to Glasgow South East Delivery Office, 14 Fullarton Drive, Glasgow, G32 8FA. Part 1: ‘Introduction’ is here. Part 2: ‘Update’ is here.

In recent weeks Dennistoun Community Council has been providing information and updates on the proposed closure of Cubie Street sorting office by Royal Mail, and the subsequent transfer of services to a site in Cambuslang.

Continue reading Cubie Street Sorting Office Closure: Proposed Changes


Proposed Cubie Street Sorting Office Closure: Update

Save Our Sorting Office: Update
Save Our Sorting Office: Update

This is the second in a series of three updates on the closure of the Royal Mail Sorting Office at 130 Cubie Street, Glasgow, G40 2AF and subsequent relocation to Glasgow South East Delivery Office, 14 Fullarton Drive, Glasgow, G32 8FA. Part 1: ‘Introduction’ is here. Part 3: ‘Proposed Changes’ is here.

The Story So Far

As reported earlier this month, Royal Mail is proposing the closure of Cubie Street sorting office in January 2013 with a transfer of services to a facility in Cambuslang.

Dismayed at Royal Mail’s lack of engagement and communication about the move, and concerned about the impact this move will have on the local residents and businesses that they represent, representatives from Bridgeton & Dalmarnock, Calton, and Dennistoun community councils have come together to form the SOSO (save our sorting office) campaign.

Continue reading Proposed Cubie Street Sorting Office Closure: Update


Draw Duke Street

Draw Duke Street
Draw Duke Street

From the 30th of October to the 7th of December, illustrator Mitch Miller will be resident in Market Gallery on Duke Street. His task will be to create a large room-length ‘dialectogram’ of the stretch of Dennistoun’s main high street that lies between Bellgrove and Duke Street railway stations. Aided by a team of volunteers who will gather information and assist his research, he will work continuously on the drawing in an open studio format, where members of the public will be encouraged to drop by, share stories and if they so wish, contribute their own knowledge and experiences to the dialectogram.

But what exactly is a dialectogram?

Continue reading Draw Duke Street
