Food Inequality Inquiry – Call for Evidence

Glasgow City Council is holding an inquiry into food poverty and inequality across the city and is seeking evidence and views on this important subject.

The Council is aware increasing numbers of people in Glasgow are experiencing difficulties – physically and economically – accessing sufficient, safe and nutritious food. It also knows of a wide range of organisations and charities are responding to those experiencing acute food insecurity – including an established community food sector. It wishes to work with these partners and organisations across Glasgow to ensure the city is operating these responses and services as effectively as possible.

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Duke Street Post Office Relocation and Consultation

Duke Street Post Office
Duke Street Post Office

The Post Office are proposing to relocate Duke Street Post Office from 1 Annfield Place, G31 2XT to a concession within a new retail premises at 322-324 Duke Street, G31 1QZ (previously Market Gallery) in April 2018.

Continue reading Duke Street Post Office Relocation and Consultation


Glasgow Airport Consultations


Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Airport

Glasgow Airport are undertaking a consultation regarding proposed changes to approach and departure flight paths and procedures arising from updates to air traffic control navigation systems due to take place in 2019. Dennistoun Community Council has been identified as a consultee.

Continue reading Glasgow Airport Consultations
