Next Meeting: 12th February 2013

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 12th February, 7pm in Haghill Park Primary School, 415 Cumbernauld Road, Haghill, Glasgow, G31 3LS.

The consultation on the GCC Gambling Policy is to be discussed.  Elected members will provide updates, and there will be an update on the Cubie Street sorting office relocation. Full draft agenda available here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 12th February 2013


Public Meeting: Changes to Welfare Benefits

CAB Parkhead Public Meeting
CAB Parkhead Public Meeting

The welfare benefits system will soon be subject to a number of changes.  Anyone worried about the impact that those changes will have on them, their families and their communities are invited to attend a public meeting being held by Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau.

Continue reading Public Meeting: Changes to Welfare Benefits


Next Meeting: 8th January 2013

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 8th January, 7pm in Whitehill School library. Update [8th January 2013]: Due to difficulties accessing the  venue, this meeting has been rescheduled and will take place on Tuesday 15th January 2013.

Updates from the Save Our Sorting Office campaign (Royal Mail closure of Cubie Street) are expected.  Elected members will provide updates also. Full draft agenda available here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 8th January 2013


Next Meeting: November 13th 2012

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday, November 13th, 7pm in Whitehill School library.

Full agenda available here. Topics for discussion include: Save Our Sorting Office (Royal Mail, Cubie Street); DCC Action Plan (2011/12 annual review and 2012/13 draft); Alexandra Parade primary school playing field; Friends of Glasgow Necropolis; and Alexandra Park Model Yachting Club. Elected members will provide updates also.

Continue reading Next Meeting: November 13th 2012


2012 AGM

The Dennistoun Community Council 2012 Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday the 9th of October at 7pm in the Library of Whitehill Secondary School, Onslow Drive, G31 2QF.

The agenda includes the following items: approval of minutes of last AGM; chairperson’s report and questions from the floor; treasurer’s submission of balance sheet and annual accounts; standing down of office current office bearers and election of new office bearers.

There will also be an election results meeting where the election of candidates will be declared by the Independent Returning Officer appointed by Glasgow City Council.  All Dennistoun Community Council office bearers will step down and new officer bearers for the year ahead will be elected from, and by, the newly eligible members.


Next Meeting: September 11th 2012

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday, September 11th, 7pm in Whitehill School library.

Full agenda available here.  Topics for discussion include: Dennistoun Treasure Hunt; Alexandra Park festival; DCC Action Plan (annual review); Glasgow factoring commission; and DCC elections.  There will be the usual review of planning & licensing applications (including Paton Street application). Elected members will provide updates also.

Continue reading Next Meeting: September 11th 2012


Skill/Trade project at Market Gallery

Market Gallery Skills/Trade
Image: Ivan Walsh via flickr

A call is being put out to programmers, researchers, artists, educators, and thinkers within the Dennistoun community who are able to participate with the exciting new ‘Skill/Trade’ project based at Duke Street’s Market Gallery.  Skill/Trade will have an emphasis on trading and exchange rather than monetary transactions.

Continue reading Skill/Trade project at Market Gallery


Next Meeting: June 12th 2012

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday, June 12th, 7pm in Whitehill School library.

Full agenda available here.  Topics for discussion include: Paton Street showpeople site planning application, Treasure Hunt, bulk uplift, community donations, Big Lunch debrief, and Action Plan review.

Continue reading Next Meeting: June 12th 2012
