Bellgrove Meat Market and Abattoir Site – Objection to Planning Application

Proposed Site Plan of the Bellgrove Meat Market and Abattoir Development
Proposed Site Plan of the Bellgrove Meat Market and Abattoir Development

The following objection to planning application reference 19/01220/FUL for the land at Duke Street and Bellgrove Street has been submitted to Glasgow City Council by Dennistoun Community Council, as per our ordinary meeting held on 11th June 2019.

Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) generally welcomes many aspects of the proposed development at this site, and various elements of the submission are to be commended. However, there is a serious shortcoming. This development only includes one- and two-bedroom dwellings. Not one single flat has three or more bedrooms.

Succesful placemaking and urban planning of balanced and inclusive neighbourhoods, with a diverse mix of well-supported community facilities, should account for parents wishing to raise children. An appropriate supply of homes is critical in attracting and retaining families in an area that can grow and thrive sustainably. This development represents a significant opportunity to offer new opportunities for urban family living that would be missed if it is approved without provision for a suitable mix of households.

By way of comparison to this proposal, it is noted that initial New Gorbals regeneration developments included a significant proportion of family-sized homes: half of those properties included three or more bedrooms.

DCC identifies the following GCC policies as directly relevant to this matter:

– The Glasgow City Development Plan 2017 identifies a Strategic Outcome of “A thriving and sustainable place to live and work“. It states that “We want to achieve a City that is made up of sustainable, vibrant and distinctive places which are well-designed, accessible, safe, healthy and inclusive, and which provide for the City’s growing and diverse population.” CDP 1 (‘The Placemaking principle’) identifies the need to encourage “social cohesion” and “building diversity (lifelong living)” as part of “healthy urban planning control”. CDP 10 (‘Meeting Housing Needs’) states that “The focus of the Council’s approach is on ensuring that good quality places are created, with a mix of accommodation to suit different household types“.

– The Glasgow City Council Strategic Plan 2017 to 2022 makes a commitment to “Empower our citizens, giving them a stake, and a say, in what happens in their local communities and communities of interest“. It pledges to deliver “A Thriving Economy, A Vibrant City, A Sustainable and Low Carbon City, Resilient and Empowered Neighbourhoods, A Well Governed City that Listens and Responds“.

– Glasgow City Centre Strategy 2014–19 identifes nine City Districts. This development is adjacent to two of them. Of the six Core Objectives given, one is ‘Stay and Live’, pledging “To encourage new developments […]; to attract a variety of residents including professionals, families, down-sizers and students […]“.

If GCC is to adhere to those policies, the proposed application must be rejected with a requirement that any subsequently approved development includes suitable provision for the required balance of households.

– Dennistoun Community Council

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Bellgrove Meat Market and Abattoir Site Planning Application

Visualisation of the view from Kings Cross (junction of Bellgrove Street, Duke Street and Westercraigs)
Visualisation of the view from Kings Cross (junction of Bellgrove Street, Duke Street and Westercraigs)

Planning application reference 19/01220/FUL has been submitted by JTP Architects, on behalf of the developer Home Group, for the erection of a residential development with commercial unit, associated parking and landscaping, on land at Duke Street and Bellgrove Street.

Proposed Site Plan of the Bellgrove Meat Market and Abattoir Development
Proposed Site Plan of the Bellgrove Meat Market and Abattoir Development

The full application can be viewed on the Glasgow City Council planning portal, here.

A schedule of the types of proposed accommodation can be viewed on this PDF.

Click on any of these images to view larger versions that will show more detail.

The last date for comments is Thursday 27th June 2019.

The target date for a decision is Friday 20th September 2019.

Proposed Elevations Sheet 1
Proposed Elevations Sheet 1
Proposed Elevations Sheet 2
Proposed Elevations Sheet 2

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Meat Market and Abattoir Site Public Exhibition

Edited on 25th January 2019 at 14:50: Date corrected from Fri 25th to Thu 24th, to reflect that the meeting had already taken place when this post was uploaded. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Proposal at Bellgrove Street and Duke Street
Proposal at Bellgrove Street and Duke Street

A planning and architectural public exhibition for the former meat market and abattoir site at Duke Street and Bellgrove Street was held in Dennistoun Library from 2:30pm to 7:30pm on Thursday 24th January 2019. Please do leave a comment below (or get in touch directly) to share your thoughts about how you feel the updated plans for the site would (or wouldn’t) benefit and complement our community life and spaces here in Dennistoun, Haghill, and other surrounding areas.

Meat Market Masterplan 01
Meat Market Masterplan 01
Meat Market Masterplan 02
Meat Market Masterplan 02

See here for a pdf with detail additional to the above masterplan images.

See here for a reGlasgow article on the proposals with more visualisation images.

See here for the previous DCC write up about plans for the site.

See here for information about a recent consultation seeking views on potential uses for the cattle market sheds (which are being dealt with as a separate site to these proposals).

To get DCC updates delivered to your inbox, enter your email address into the box in the menu section of this site and click Subscribe Now! (To the left of the screen in desktop view, or via the menu button at the top of the screen in mobile view). Easy to unsubscribe from at any time.


Regeneration of Former Bellgrove Abattoir and Meat Market Site

Former Abattoir and Meat Market Site off Duke Street and Bellgrove Street between Dennistoun and Collegelands
Former Abattoir and Meat Market Site off Duke Street and Bellgrove Street between Dennistoun and Collegelands

Interested in the regeneration of the former abattoir and meat market site off Duke Street and Bellgrove Street between Dennistoun and Collegelands? Then get along to Dennistoun Library on Thursday 14 December between noon and 8pm to find out about Glasgow City Deal plans to develop the site, with housing to be built in the first phase.

Continue reading Regeneration of Former Bellgrove Abattoir and Meat Market Site
