The 2023 Dennistoun Treasure Hunt

Dennistoun CC Treasure Hunt 2023
Dennistoun CC Treasure Hunt 2023

From Friday September 22nd to Wednesday September 27th participating shops located throughout Dennistoun will have a picture card with a type of vehicle in their window display. In Dennistoun Library there will be 3 cards in the children’s section.

Continue reading The 2023 Dennistoun Treasure Hunt

Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund recommendations to Dennistoun Area Partnership

Glasgow City Council (GCC) have advised that, for the Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) proposals for pedestrian infrastructure improvements, in and around our area to be progressed as part of the £1 million per ward Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund (NIIF), they require approval by the Dennistoun Area Partnership (DAP).

Since receiving that GCC response to DCC, the DAP meeting agenda for 19 September 2023 has been published. It can be viewed here. Item 3 provides an NIIF update report, accompanied by appendices listing various GCC proposals for £252,000 of road maintenance resurfacing work.

With the above noted, DCC provided the below information and recommendations to all councillors for the Dennistoun and Calton wards, and the GCC Neighbourhoods Liaison Manager.

A PDF of the below submission can be viewed here.

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Proposals for Improvements to Pedestrian Infrastructure Provision

Dennistoun Pedestrian Proposals Plan
Dennistoun Pedestrian Proposals Plan

Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) recently compiled and submitted proposals to Glasgow City Council (GCC) identifying potential improvements to pedestrian infrastructure provision in and around our area.

A PDF of the full document can be viewed here. Images of each individual page of the document can be viewed below the summary that follows.

Updates: 12 September 2023: The GCC response to DCC can now be found at the bottom of this post. 18 September: DCC recommendations to the DAP can be found in a separate update post here.

Continue reading Proposals for Improvements to Pedestrian Infrastructure Provision

Duke Street and John Knox Street Avenues Consultation

The in-person consultation on the design proposals for the Duke Street and John Knox Street Avenues project will take place tomorrow, Thursday 15 June 2023, at points along the route throughout the day between 8:30am and 6:00pm, and also at Dennistoun Library between 2:00pm and 6:30pm.

A four-week online consultation also commences tomorrow. See the poster below, or the recent DCC post for full details of where and when you can take part in person, and also how to take part online, here:

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Duke Street and John Knox Street Avenues

Ironside Farrar Limited has been appointed by Glasgow City Council as the Lead Designer for the Duke Street and John Knox Street Avenues Plus projects.

They are hosting a community drop-in event on Thursday 15th June at Dennistoun Library (2A Craigpark, G31 2NA). Drop-in between 2pm and 6:30pm to have a chat with the team, view the draft plans and give your views.

Duke Street and John Knox Street - 15th June 2023 Consultation Poster
Duke Street and John Knox Street – 15th June 2023 Consultation Poster
Continue reading Duke Street and John Knox Street Avenues

Liveable Neighbourhood Stage 2 Report

The Dennistoun to Cranhill Liveable Neighbourhood Stage 2 report was published via the most recent meeting of the Environment and Liveable Neighbourhoods City Policy Committee.

It can be viewed via this link or clicking on the below cover page image (NB: 43 Mb PDF file). The full set of committee documents can be viewed here. The GCC publicity article can be found here.

Dennistoun to Cranhill Liveable Neighbourhood Stage 2 Report
Dennistoun to Cranhill Liveable Neighbourhood Stage 2 Report
Continue reading Liveable Neighbourhood Stage 2 Report

Update on Progressing Beyond The Liveable Neighbourhood Longlist

The Glasgow City Council reply below is in response to queries regarding the Liveable Neighbourhoods project, the Inner East Strategic Development Framework the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund, and Citizens’ Panels participatory funding arrangements, submitted by Dennistoun Community Council to the Director of GCC Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability.

A PDF version of the GCC reply is available here.

GCC Reply: Wednesday 18th January 2023

Firstly thank you for noting that the Dennistoun Community Council welcome the principle and proposals of the Liveable Neighbourhood Plan (LNP).

Continue reading Update on Progressing Beyond The Liveable Neighbourhood Longlist

Progressing Beyond The Liveable Neighbourhood Longlist

A PDF version of this submission is available here.

The below queries were submitted by Dennistoun Community Council to George Gillespie (Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability, Glasgow City Council) on 7th November 2022, copied to all Dennistoun Ward and Calton Ward Councillors (Anthony Carroll, Allan Casey, Elaine McDougall, Greg Hepburn, Cecilia O’Lone, Linda Pike, and George Redmond).

Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) welcomes the principles and proposals of the GCC Connecting Communities Project and the Liveable Neighbourhood (LN) plan. DCC and its Community Councillors (CCllrs) have enthusiastically promoted and engaged with the project at all stages of consultation to date.

Continue reading Progressing Beyond The Liveable Neighbourhood Longlist

Follow-up on Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership

Glasgow City Council (GCC) recently responded to the most recent query from Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) in an ongoing dialogue regarding various maintenance and streetscape issues in Dennistoun.

Prior related posts on this can be viewed here and here.

The GCC reply dated 5th October 2021 is below.

It is followed by a response from Dennistoun Community Council.

Continue reading Follow-up on Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership

Update on Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership: September 2021

A reply from Glasgow City Council to queries submitted by Dennistoun Community Council to the Dennistoun Area Partnership meeting held on 1st September 2021 is below.

It is followed by a response from Dennistoun Community Council.

Continue reading Update on Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership: September 2021