2024 General Election Hustings Video

2024 hustings panel of candidates
2024 hustings panel of candidates

The video of the 2024 Glasgow North East constituency general election hustings event held on Monday 24th June is now available for viewing.

The full list of nine candidates was invited. Six attended. We appreciate their participation in what we believe was a successful event, judging by the positive comments received from many of the attendees afterwards.

On that note, thanks also to residents who attended, collectively submitting the numerous suggestions for questions to be put to the panel of candidates. Inevitably we ended up with many more questions than could have been asked in one night. But we made our best effort at selecting a representative sample across a range of topics, intended to provide the audience with the best possible insight into the candidates standing for election.

Rounds of questions were asked on the following local, national, and international topics:

  1. Local amenity funding.
  2. Social security.
  3. Gaza-Israel conflict.
  4. Climate policy.
  5. Education funding.
  6. Trans rights.
  7. The main ‘pain points’ of the area.

The first of those questions came from DCC. Questions in rounds 2-7 were taken from the many suggestions provided on the night by those attending.

The panel of candidates were advised of the format in advance of the event but were, as per the above description, given no briefing on what questions would be asked.

Direct link to video: https://www.facebook.com/DennistounCC/videos/833215432039504/


What is a Hustings?

It’s not long until the DCC hustings for the Glasgow North East constituency on Monday 24th June.

Further details about the time, location and venue are available here: dennistouncc.org.uk/2024/06/13/2024-general-election-hustings-glasgow-north-east.

But what is a hustings?

A hustings is an event where political candidates for your constituency answer questions from you, the local voters.

DCC’s general election hustings will be chaired by a community councillor. The candidates will each give brief opening statements, where they will set out their priorities if elected. Then the hustings will be opened to questions from the audience.

How do I ask a question?

Come along to Drygate on the night (doors open at 7pm). You can have your question written down in advance or you can write it down when you arrive, and hand it to one of the community councillors who will be there to assist you.

Will my question definitely be asked?

DCC has invited all nine candidates, and each question will be put to all of those in attendance. Previous DCC hustings have proved very popular, so we will ask as many questions as we can, but we may not be able to get through all of them. If there are a number of questions on the same topic, the chair will select a representative question to put to the candidates.

What if I can’t attend in person?

We plan to live stream the event via our Facebook page and make the video available for viewing thereafter.

Previous Hustings

A video of our 2019 general election hustings is available on our Facebook page.

Direct link to video: https://www.facebook.com/DennistounCC/videos/567798787341327/


2024 General Election Hustings – Glasgow North East

DCC Glasgow North East Hustings 2024 Poster
DCC Glasgow North East Hustings 2024 Poster (tap on image for pdf version)

Glasgow North East Constituency 2024 General Election Hustings

Dennistoun Community Council is hosting an election hustings on Monday 24th June for all candidates in the Glasgow North East constituency.


  • Date: Monday 24th June 2024.
  • Time: 7:15pm to 8:45pm (doors open at 7:00pm).
  • Venue: Drygate (upstairs hall), 85 Drygate, Glasgow, G4 0UT.

The venue is accessible. The event will take place on first floor. The first floor bar will be closed for the duration of this event.

Hustings Format

A Dennistoun community councillor will chair.

The exact format is still to be finalised. It is likely that each candidate will be invited to make a short opening statement, followed by initial questioning from the chair, with attendees being invited to submit written questions for moderation and presentation by the chair thereafter.

Live streaming online via the Dennistoun Community Council Facebook page is planned.

Voting Information

See the most recent Dennistoun Community Council post for information on voter registration, key dates, voter ID, postal votes, proxy votes, constituency, candidates and more.


All nine confirmed candidates for the Glasgow North East constituency have been invited to take part.

The full list of candidates (and parties as they appear on the ballot paper) is as follows:

  • Maureen Burke (Scottish Labour Party)
  • Robert Henry Connelly (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)
  • Ewan Lewis (Scottish Greens)
  • Catherine McKernan (Alba Party: Yes to Scottish Independence)
  • Anne McLaughlin (Scottish National Party (SNP))
  • Chris Sermanni (Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition)
  • Gary Steele (Communist Party of Britain)
  • Sheila Thomson (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
  • Jonathan Walmsley (Reform UK)

UK General Election 2024

Election Ballot Box
Election Ballot Box (Photo by Element5 Digital)

A parliamentary general election has been called for 04 July 2024.

Key Dates

The following dates and deadlines apply:

  • Deadline to register to vote: Midnight Tuesday 18 June 2024.
  • Deadline to apply for a postal vote: 5pm Wednesday 19 June 2024.
  • Deadline to apply for a postal proxy vote: 5pm Wednesday 19 June 2024.
  • Deadline to cancel or change an existing postal, proxy or postal proxy: 5pm Wednesday 19 June 2024.
  • Deadline for new proxy applications: 5pm Wednesday 26 June 2024.
  • Deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (Voter ID): 5pm Wednesday 26 June 2024.
  • 1st issue of Postal Ballot Packs (for applications received by 5pm on 07 June) are issued on Thursday 20 June 2024.
  • 2nd issue of Postal Ballot Packs (for applications received by 5pm on 19 June) are issued on Thursday 27 June 2024.
  • UK General Election: Polling stations are open on Thursday 04 July 2024 from 7am until 10pm.

Voter Registration and How to Vote

You will need to show photo ID to vote at a polling station in these elections.

If you will be away from home on the day of the election or otherwise unable to get to your polling station you can apply for a postal or proxy vote.

gov.uk/vote-uk-election provides information on all of the following aspects of voting:

  1. Check if you can vote.
  2. Register to vote.
  3. Decide if you want to vote in person, by post, or by proxy,
  4. Get ready to vote in person: check what ID you need to vote.
    or Apply for a postal vote.
    or Apply for a proxy vote: check what ID you need to vote.
    or Get ready to vote as a proxy
  5. Vote in person.
    or Vote by post.
    or Vote as a proxy for someone else.

More Information About Voting

Additional information on the electoral process, voting, voter ID, polling stations, candidates, and more, can be found via the following websites:


Constituency and Candidates

Enter your postcode to get more information about the candidates at the following site:


Boundary Changes

There have been some constituency boundary changes since the last UK election. Information on this can be found via the following site:


More About the UK Parliament and MPs

More information about the UK parliament, its MPs, and what they do can be found on the following page:



17 Community Councillors Required

17 Community Councillors Required
17 Community Councillors Required

All 17 community councillor (CCllr) positions on Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) now require to be filled, as the current four year term ends in October.

Update: One week extension. Nominations to be received by Friday 7th October.

DCC strives to understand and express our shared community priorities in order to promote an inclusive neighbourhood and to engage positively in the delivery of local services, facilities, amenities, planning, and regeneration.

Continue reading 17 Community Councillors Required

2022 Council Election: Candidate Q&A

  1. Introduction [jump to section]
  2. Candidates Standing [jump to section]
  3. Question From DCC [jump to section]
  4. Answers From Candidates [jump to section]
  5. Election Guidance [jump to section]

1. Introduction

The Scottish Local Government election takes place on 5 May 2022, between 7am and 10pm. 85 councillors will be elected to 23 wards in the Glasgow City Council (GCC) area. The Dennistoun and Calton wards both have areas within the Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) boundary. The names and descriptions of the candidates for these wards are indicated in the below lists.

DCC sent a message to each local candidate, asking about the biggest community engagement issue it has encountered in recent years: the future of Whitehill Pool.

Continue reading 2022 Council Election: Candidate Q&A

2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings – Glasgow Provan Constituency

Dennistoun Community Council - 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings - Glasgow Provan Constituency
Dennistoun Community Council – 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings – Glasgow Provan Constituency

A 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings for the Glasgow Provan constituency will be hosted and chaired by Dennistoun Community Council on Thursday 22nd April 2021 starting at 7pm and finishing at 9pm, held online at facebook.com/DennistounCC.

Continue reading 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Election Hustings – Glasgow Provan Constituency

Election Notice: 10th March 2020

DCC March 2020 Election
DCC March 2020 Election (Click for PDF)

The recent call for nominations to fill two community councillor vacancies resulted in more valid nominations than vacancies. This means that there will be a contested election held on Tuesday 10th March between 5:30pm and 8:30pm at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, G31 3NX.

Anyone 16 years of age or over, on the electoral register, with an address in the Dennistoun Community Council area is eligible to vote. The election is administered by Glasgow City Council.

Candidate details will be provided at the venue.

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