Ramblers Scotland is launching new walk programmes in various Glasgow locations as part of the organisation’s aim to get more people in the city out walking.
Members of the public are invited to come along to public meetings and learn about these new programmes and the work of The Ramblers in Scotland.
One of the meetings will be held locally at: Main Hall, Shettleston Community Centre, 54 Amulree Street on Wednesday 4th 11th May at 8.30 p.m. It is hoped that the programme will attract participants from Dennistoun and the wider East End area.
Attendees will receive a free copy of new programmes of walks for people based in the East End of Glasgow. Walks will be on Saturdays or Sundays; some full day, others half day; some easy, others strenuous. There will be a meeting point in Shettleston where it is planned that those with cars can give lifts to the start of the walk to those without cars. Everyone is welcome.
This initiative links to Ramblers Scotland’s “Walk the Path to 2014”, which supports the Scottish Government’s Active Nation plan to encourage Scottish people to be more active in the run up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
We hope that many people will join The Ramblers as full members (joining details available at meeting or from contact below), but anyone is welcome to go for up to three Ramblers walks before joining.
Anyone interested, but unable to attend any of the meetings, can contact shettleston@glasgowramblers.org.uk.
Edit: Please note that, due to election preparations, the launch meeting originally scheduled to take place on 4th May will now occur on 11th May.