The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday, January 10th, 7pm at Whitehill School.
Full agenda available here. The agenda will also be circulated and posted on local notice boards (Dennistoun library, Wellpark Hall, Reidvale HA, Milnbank HA, Co-op on Alexandra Parade) prior to meeting.
All meetings of the community council are open to members of the public, who have a right to attend all community council meetings, and are warmly invited to do so. They may contribute to discussion of agenda items with the consent of the chairperson.
Requests for specific items to be included on the agenda of the following community council meeting (Tuesday, February 14th 2012) must be intimated in writing fourteen days prior to the commencement of said meeting (Tuesday, January 31st 2012). Contact details here.