100 Finlay Drive – Objection to Planning Application

100 Finlay Drive - Aerial View of Site Location
100 Finlay Drive – Aerial View of Site Location

On 15th November 2017, following extensive discussion with and between members of the public in attendance at the Dennistoun Community Council meeting held on 14th November, a letter of objetion to the planning application reference 17/02477/DC for 100 Finlay Drive was submitted. The below points were raised. The letter can be downloaded for viewing here.

  • Vehicular access to the proposed development and parking allocation

The vehicular access to the site would appear to be inadequate in relation to the existing on street parking provision on Finlay Drive. We would object to the current lay out on the grounds of the potential hazard that vehicles accessing the site could pose to the flow of traffic. We would also question the provision of 8 parking spaces for 31 units. While there are established and plentiful local transport infrastructures in place we would assert that this provision still falls short of what could be considered reasonable. It is noted that parking spaces will be allocated nearer to the sale of the proposed units which we feel will disadvantage many of the potential occupants. Parking is already a contentious issue in Dennistoun and in this location, which is added to by its proximity to Duke Street Station and Duke Street itself which attract a large number of unofficial park and ride commuters to the city centre and who seek on street parking on a daily basis. We feel that with the current provision there is insufficient allocation for residents and this will have a knock‐on effect in an already congested area for parking.

  • The building design is not in keeping with neighbouring buildings.

From the submitted drawings and elevations, it would appear that the architects have simply lifted an existing design from their current portfolio which is not in keeping with the look, design and heritage of neighbouring buildings and the local area. In particular the bay windows are not an incorporated feature of the building this development would adjoin, the stone/brick does not match in colour or design, the windows are not sympathetic to the neighbouring buildings and the penthouse flats are clad in a material not seen anywhere else in the local area.

  • The building will significantly restrict the light into existing tenements.

The elevations and design & access statement show a 5/6 storey building which is 1 more than neighbouring buildings which are 4 stories high (including ground floor) This will significantly reduce the natural light allowed to existing tenement buildings on Finlay Drive and Armadale Street and we feel this could have a major impact on adjacent residents.

  • Overdevelopment of the site

The application and design & access statement show an L shaped building with the footprint being a large part of the site itself. While some provision is made for refuse and parking we feel that to incorporate 31 units in this design is over development and would object on that basis

  • The recycling bins on the corner of Finlay Drive and Armadale Street will need to be re-sited. There appears to be no provision of this at the present time.
  • Factoring arrangements do not appear to have been arranged or included for the proposed development.
  • There are Health & Safety and traffic concerns over the impact of the development during any building phase on local roads.
  • There are concerns that the building of such a development would impact on local sewage provision which has not been adequately addressed as well as concerns about the effect construction would have on the foundations of existing neighbouring buildings.
  • There would be an opportunity for the inclusion of a Co-wheels car space should this development go ahead which we would like to see taken into consideration before a decision is made on this application.

As this is a significant development of the land we feel, as a Community Council, that these issues need to be addressed as early as possible within the planning process.


Published by

Dennistoun CC

Dennistoun CC's aim is to ascertain, coordinate and express the views of the wider community. It seeks to promote the Dennistoun area as a positive and inclusive neighbourhood.

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