Commonwealth Games Traffic and Parking Information

Glasgow 2014 - Get Ready Glasgow
Glasgow 2014 – Get Ready Glasgow

A series of local events are being held for residents and businesses near Commonwealth Games venues or cultural live sites, offering useful information on the changes they can expect to see in the lead up to and during Games time, how to prepare for potential alterations to daily routines and how to ensure they can make the most of the opportunity to get involved.

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Commonwealth Games Community Information Events

Commonwealth Games Community Information Events
Commonwealth Games Community Information Events

Throughout March, Glasgow City Council, Glasgow 2014 Ltd and Police Scotland are holding local information sessions to help you find out more about what hosting the Games in Glasgow will mean for you.

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Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Jobs Fair

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Jobs Fair
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Jobs Fair

A ‘My World of Work‘ jobs fair with up to 30,000 vacancies will take place on Wednesday 29th January from 10:00 until 16:00 in the Grand Central Hotel, 99 Gordon Street, Glasgow, G1 3SF to advertise vacancies to help deliver the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in the catering, cleaning and waste sector, security sector including security guarding, stewarding roles and hospitality.

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Necropolis Tours 2014

Glasgow Necropolis Tours 2014
Glasgow Necropolis Tours 2014

Due to the success of the tours in 2013, The Friends of Glasgow Necropolis are delighted to announce their walking tour dates for 2014. These informal and informative tours of the Glasgow Necropolis will be undertaken, weather permitting, as per the dates noted below.

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