Birkenshaw Street Planning Application

Birkenshaw Street Development - Visualisation from Cumbernauld Road looking East
Visualisation from Cumbernauld Road, looking East

Updated planning application reference 18/03663/FUL has been submitted by Create Architecture, on behalf of the developer Stanton Brook Estates, for the erection of 48 flatted dwellings, associated access, parking and open space, on land at Birkenshaw Street.

Birkenshaw Street Development - Proposed Site Plan
Proposed Site Plan

The full application can be viewed on the Glasgow City Council planning portal, here.

Click on any of these images to view larger versions that will show more detail.

Birkenshaw Street Development - Proposed Elevations (top to bottom: NE, NW, SE, SW)
Proposed Elevations (top to bottom: NE, NW, SE, SW)

The last date for comments is Wednesday 3rd July 2019.

The updated target date for a decision has not been published.

Birkenshaw Street Development - Visualisation from Birkenshaw Street looking South
Visualisation from Birkenshaw Street, looking South

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Site Update: January 2012

The latest approved minutes, for the December 2011 meeting, have now been uploaded to the Minutes section of the site. and are available for public viewing.  As ever, the minutes contain a police report, elected member reports, committee reports, DCC action plan updates, etc.

The Applications section has also been updated with the most recent planning application report – December 2011.  This is a handy review of all recent applications relevant to the Dennistoun Community Council Area.  Where applicable, brief summary comments are made.  On occasion, DCC may submit or support a formal objection to an application.

Continue reading Site Update: January 2012
