Glasgow Neighbourhood Management Survey 2010/11

Glasgow Neighbourhood Management Survey Agencies
Glasgow Neighbourhood Management Survey Agencies

What is Neighbourhood Management?

Neighbourood Management is a process where local communities and agencies, such as Glasgow City Council, the police, and local housing associations, work together to improve local public services by making decisions based on evidence and the views of the local people who live in the area.

In Autumn/Winter 2010/11, the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership carried out a representative survey of almost 7,000 city residents to find out what they thought about their local area – this included 503 interviews in the East Centre ward.

This report summarises what people in the East Centre ward area said about their local neighbourhood, what they liked about living there and what they’d like to improve.

Continue reading Glasgow Neighbourhood Management Survey 2010/11


Site Update: January 2012

The latest approved minutes, for the December 2011 meeting, have now been uploaded to the Minutes section of the site. and are available for public viewing.  As ever, the minutes contain a police report, elected member reports, committee reports, DCC action plan updates, etc.

The Applications section has also been updated with the most recent planning application report – December 2011.  This is a handy review of all recent applications relevant to the Dennistoun Community Council Area.  Where applicable, brief summary comments are made.  On occasion, DCC may submit or support a formal objection to an application.

Continue reading Site Update: January 2012


Police and Community Meeting: 20th December 2011

Milnbank Housing Association | Strathclyde Police
Milnbank Housing Association | Strathclyde Police

This meeting will take place in the offices of Milnbank Housing Association, 55 Ballindalloch Drive, Dennistoun, G31 3DQ, from 7pm, on Tuesday 20th December 2011.

Continue reading Police and Community Meeting: 20th December 2011


Police and Community Meeting

Milnbank Housing Association | Strathclyde Police
Milnbank Housing Association | Strathclyde Police

This meeting will take place in the offices of Milnbank Housing Association, 53 Ballindalloch Drive, Dennistoun, G31 3DQ, from 7pm to 9pm, on Tuesday 18th October 2011.

Continue reading Police and Community Meeting


Proposed Strathclyde Police Headquarters at Dalmarnock

Visualisation of proposed Strathclyde Police headquarters
Visualisation of proposed Strathclyde Police headquarters

Strathclyde Police Authority, in partnership with Clyde Gateway, is bringing forward proposals for a new headquarters building for Strathclyde Police at French Street, Dalmarnock.

Continue reading Proposed Strathclyde Police Headquarters at Dalmarnock
