Parents/Grandparents/Carers – look out for our DINOSAUR HUNT posters at the school gates – the entry forms have all gone into the schools and the kids should all know about it by now.
Tag: ballindalloch drive
Former Golfhill Primary School Development
There will be a public meeting in relation to the development proposals for the former Golfhill School, as follows: Wednesday 5th April 2017 (12:00-19:00) at Milnbank Community Hall, 53 Ballindalloch Drive, G31 3DQ.
Dennistoun Community Council Interim Election
Dennistoun Community Council is holding an interim election in order to fill two vacancies.
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Dennistoun Community Council Election 2014
Community councils across Glasgow are required to hold elections every 4 years. Dennistoun Community Council’s next election date is Tuesday 14th October 2014 and there are 17 vacancies.
Milnbank Gala Day 2012
On Saturday 26th May, from noon to 2pm, Milnbank Housing Association are holding their gala day on Ballindalloch Drive.
Police and Community Meeting: 20th December 2011
This meeting will take place in the offices of Milnbank Housing Association, 55 Ballindalloch Drive, Dennistoun, G31 3DQ, from 7pm, on Tuesday 20th December 2011.
Continue reading Police and Community Meeting: 20th December 2011
Police and Community Meeting
This meeting will take place in the offices of Milnbank Housing Association, 53 Ballindalloch Drive, Dennistoun, G31 3DQ, from 7pm to 9pm, on Tuesday 18th October 2011.