Next Meeting: 14th September 2021

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 14th September 2021 from 7pm online via Zoom.

The agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 14th September 2021

Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership: September 2021

A PDF version of this submission is available here.

The below queries were submitted by Dennistoun Community Council to the Dennistoun Area Partnership meeting held on 1st September 2021.

Continue reading Submission to Dennistoun Area Partnership: September 2021

Response to Inner East Strategic Development Framework Consultation

A PDF version of this consultation response is available here.

Vision and Principles

DCC welcomes the vision identified by the draft Inner East Strategic Development Framework (SDF):

  • That the Inner East will become a series of interconnected walkable and liveable neighbourhoods, creating a vibrant, inclusive, liveable and well-connected people friendly place.
  • That the Inner East will be a city district that is; climate resilient; fosters creativity and opportunity; promotes social cohesion, health and wellbeing and economic prosperity.
  • A transformation of Glasgow’s Inner East that focuses on people, place and planet to meet the demands of climate change.
  • To increase the East End’s appeal and attractiveness to future residents, investors, workers and visitors.
Continue reading Response to Inner East Strategic Development Framework Consultation

Response to Low Emission Zone Consultation

A PDF version of this consultation response is available here.

Whilst the coverage of the city centre Paramics model encompasses fully both proposed LEZ boundaries, the coverage does not include fully routes which non-compliant vehicles may be displaced onto and is apparently just moving the problem to residential areas near the eastern boundary.

Despite the consultation to understand the impacts of displaced vehicles within the city centre and wider area the assumption appears to be that by 2023 the majority of vehicles on the road needing access to the LEZ area will be compliant.

Continue reading Response to Low Emission Zone Consultation

Shaping the Future of Dennistoun

Inner East Strategic Development Framework
Inner East Strategic Development Framework

Glasgow City Council (GCC) has published a draft Strategic Development Framework (SDF) for the Inner East area. This includes Dennistoun.

Continue reading Shaping the Future of Dennistoun

Meeting Minutes: 8th June 2021

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 8th June 2021 are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 14th September 2021, from 7:00pm online, via Zoom.

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Next Meeting: 13th July 2021

You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 13th July 2021 from 7pm online via Zoom.

The agenda is available here. Time will be allocated for general public input. Approved minutes from past meetings can be viewed here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 13th July 2021

Meeting Minutes: 11th May 2021

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 11th May 2021 are now available at

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th July 2021, from 7:00pm online, via Zoom.

Subscribe! To get DCC updates delivered to your inbox, enter your email address into the box in the menu section of this site and click Subscribe Now! (To the left of the screen in desktop view, or via the menu button at the top of the screen in mobile view). Easy to unsubscribe from at any time.


Follow-up on Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ scheme in Dennistoun

Glasgow City Council (GCC) recently responded to the most recent query from Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) in an ongoing dialogue regarding the Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ scheme in Dennistoun.

Prior related posts on this can be viewed here, here, and here. Questions below are those asked by DCC on 11th May 2021 as per the third of those linked pages. Answers are those provided by GCC on 8th June 2021.

Continue reading Follow-up on Spaces for People ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ scheme in Dennistoun