Free Evening Visitors Hospital Transport Service

Free Evening Visitor Hospital Transport
Free Evening Visitor Hospital Transport

Some people experience difficulty getting to hospitals by public transport in the evening, particularly older people, people living with a disability, or in receipt of benefits.

The Evening Hospital Visitor Transport Service will collect you from your home (or as near as possible), take you to your nearest hospital and take you home again.

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Dennistoun Community Council Election 2014

Dennistoun Community Council Election 2014
Dennistoun Community Council Election 2014

Community councils across Glasgow are required to hold elections every 4 years. Dennistoun Community Council’s next election date is Tuesday 14th October 2014 and there are 17 vacancies.

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Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games: Bring It On

Glasgow 2014 - Bring It On
Glasgow 2014 – Bring It On

This is it! The opening ceremony later on today will signal the start of the Games, after more than seven years of planning and painstaking preparations, with the people of Glasgow at their very heart.

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Last Big Chance To Buy Glasgow 2014 Tickets

Glasgow 2014 - The Final Sprint For Tickets
Glasgow 2014 – The Final Sprint For Tickets

More than 100,000 extra tickets across all 17 sports – from Athletics to Rugby Sevens, Badminton to Weightlifting – as well as both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from 10am on Monday 12 May. Ticket prices remain unchanged, starting from just £15 for adults and £7.50 for concessions (under-16s and over-60s).

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