During a community consultation carried out last year by Anne McLaughlin MP, it became very clear that something constituents care very much about is green and open space across the constituency. Anne initiated a project – “Changing the Landscape” – tasked with investigating this topic and reporting back to constituents.
Month: May 2016
Employment and Enterprise Jobs Fair
Looking for work? Have a business idea? Want to improve your skills and self-confidence?
Representing Dennistoun – A Utopian Dennistoun
Can you imagine a Utopian Dennistoun? East-Enders, young and old, have come together to explore this idea, creating short stories, monologues, characters, and songs which are inspired by the people and the place.
Continue reading Representing Dennistoun – A Utopian Dennistoun
Next Meeting: 10th May 2016
The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 10th May, 7pm at Salvation Army, 265 Craigpark Drive, Dennistoun, G31 2TW.
You are warmly invited to attend all community council meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Police and elected members will provide updates. Full agenda is available here.
Meeting Minutes: 8th March 2016
Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 8th March 2016 are now available at dennistouncc.org.uk/minutes.
Dates and details of future meetings can be found at dennistouncc.org.uk/dates. The next ordinary meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 10th May 2016, 7pm at Salvation Army, 265 Craigpark Drive, Dennistoun, G31 2TW.