The deadline for receipt of nomination forms is 12:00 noon tomorrow (Friday, 17th November 2017). Full details here.
The deadline for receipt of nomination forms is 12:00 noon tomorrow (Friday, 17th November 2017). Full details here.
On 15th November 2017, following extensive discussion with and between members of the public in attendance at the Dennistoun Community Council meeting held on 14th November, a letter of objetion to the planning application reference 17/02477/DC for 100 Finlay Drive was submitted. The below points were raised. The letter can be downloaded for viewing here.
Continue reading 100 Finlay Drive – Objection to Planning Application
A planning application (Ref 17/02477/DC) has been submitted for the erection of a residential development of 31 flats (six storeys, eight parking spaces) at 100 Finlay Drive, Dennistoun, Glasgow G31 2RQ (‘Dennistoun Gospel Hall’, previously ‘Dennistoun Picture House‘). The applicant is Nixon Blue Ltd. The agent is Vellow Wood Architecture. Documents relating to this application (including design statement, drawings, and public comments) can be viewed here.
You are warmly invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council, which will take place on Tuesday 14th November, 7pm, at Whitehill Secondary. Full agenda and venue details available here.
Police and elected members will provide updates. Some time is allocated for general public input in the early part of meetings. Requests for specific items requiring a dedicated time slot to be added to the agenda should be directed to the secretary a fortnight in advance of any upcoming meeting. Contact details here. Alternatively, you may address the meeting, by request to the chair, under the ‘public input’ agenda item.