Next Meeting: 14th February 2017

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 14th February, 7pm, at Milnbank HA Community Flat, 1 Culloden Street, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 3NX.

You are warmly invited to attend all community council meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Police and elected members will provide updates. Full agenda available here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 14th February 2017


Meeting Minutes: 11th October 2016

Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council AGM and ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 11th October 2016 are now available at Notes from the meetings held on 8th November and 13th December 2016 are also available, but these are for information only as the meetings were not quorate.

Dates and details of future meetings can be found at The next ordinary meeting will take place on Tuesday 14th February 2017, 7pm at Whitehill Secondary.


Next Meeting: 10th January 2017

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 10th January, 7pm, at Whitehill Secondary.

You are warmly invited to attend all community council meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Police and elected members will provide updates. Full agenda is available here.

Continue reading Next Meeting: 10th January 2017
