The Friends of Glasgow Necropolis are keen to record your stories to add to the knowledge of First World War via a friendly and informal oral history drop-in event.
The Friends of Glasgow Necropolis are keen to record your stories to add to the knowledge of First World War via a friendly and informal oral history drop-in event.
Join Glasgow Fiddle Workshop on 21 March 2015, as part of a UK-wide event offering the general public the chance to have a free taster lesson on a musical instrument. People who have never played and people who used to play, all can come and try an instrument.
By popular demand, we are very pleased to confirm that 10 new nextbike stations will soon open across the South Side and East End of Glasgow. And Dennistoun is a part of the expansion.
The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 14th April, 7pm, at Glasgow Kelvin College (East End Campus), John Wheatley Building, 2 Haghill Road, Dennistoun, G31 3SR.
You are warmly invited to attend all community council meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Police and elected members will provide updates. Full agenda and venue confirmation available here.
Approved minutes of the Dennistoun Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 10th February 2015 at the Gingerbread Hall are now available at dennistouncc.org.uk/minutes.
Dates and details of future meetings (including venue confirmation) can be found at dennistouncc.org.uk/dates. The next ordinary meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 14th April 2015, 7pm.
Washing Lines is a photography project taking place in Dennistoun over the next two months and is looking for participants.
Glasgow City Council would like to invite you to visit Alexandra Park on Saturday 14th March between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. Parks proposals for 2015 will be on display and there will an opportunity to discuss these with Council Officers. There will also be the opportunity to join The Friends of Alexandra Park and thereby shape the future of the Park.
Part One in a series of food conversations in Dennistoun, hosted by Dennistoun Diggers. Featuring speakers from Oxfam Scotland, Poverty Alliance and the Everlasting Foodbank on Monday 9th March from 7pm until 8:30pm at Redmond’s, 304 Duke St, G31 1RY.
Continue reading The Rise of Food Banks – Dennistoun and Beyond