A planning application (Ref 17/02477/DC) has been submitted for the erection of a residential development of 31 flats (six storeys, eight parking spaces) at 100 Finlay Drive, Dennistoun, Glasgow G31 2RQ (‘Dennistoun Gospel Hall’, previously ‘Dennistoun Picture House‘). The applicant is Nixon Blue Ltd. The agent is Vellow Wood Architecture. Documents relating to this application (including design statement, drawings, and public comments) can be viewed here.
This application will be discussed as an agenda item at the next Community Council meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 14th November at Whitehill Secondary School, 280 Onslow Drive, Glasgow, G31 2QF.
If you wish to make a representation (i.e. object or comment) you must make sure that Glasgow City Council (GCC) Development and Regeneration Services (DRS) receive it by Friday 17th November 2017. Representations made after that date will not be accepted. Comments already made can be viewed here.
Representation can be made online (via glasgow.gov.uk/onlineplanning) or in writing (to the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services, Glasgow City Council, 231 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RX).
Further information on how to make a representation can be found via glasgow.gov.uk/makeacomment. The Council will only consider representations made on valid planning grounds. These are called “material considerations” and some examples are listed below:
- Contrary to City Plan/Structure Plan
- Residential amenity e.g. noise, overshadowing
- Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas
- Impact on natural environament
- Appearance (design, materials, etc)
- Traffic, parking or access problems
Most applications are dealt with under the terms of the Scheme of Delegation. This is available via glasgow.gov.uk/planningguidance. Other applications are presented to the Planning Applications Committee for decision. In some cases this Committee can take the final decision on the application, whilst in other cases the application requires to be referred to the Full Council. Irrespective of how the application is decided, any material objections you submit within the specified period will be considered in the decision-making process.
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