Concerned about your factoring service? Worried about your property?
Councillor Elaine McDougall has arranged a public meeting to discuss local concerns that have been raised in relation to factoring services in the Dennistoun area. She has invited local housing providers and Council Officers to the meeting.
This will take place on Monday 29 August (today) at 7pm in Whitehill Secondary School.
If you have a concern about how your property is being managed then please come along.
Click here to see a PDF of the notice for this meeting.
Edit: See the comments section for a brief summary from the DCC chair following attendance at this meeting.
Initial comments following attendance by the DCC chair:
•Almost 50 residents attended and outlined a range of concerns regarding poor practice from factoring companies (one in particular mentioned by a number of people).
•Panel was in place to respond to these concerns and comprised Cllr Elaine McDougall, Paul Martin MSP, Alan Benson (Director, Milnbank Housing), and officer from GCC (didn’t catch name).
•Each panel member outlined a particular area/issue: Paul Martin outlined Scottish Government legislation (Antisocial Behaviour, Housing Act 2006, etc); Alan Benson provided overview of factoring service available form MHA (people felt that a proactive approach to maintenance allied to support for a community-based not-for-profit organisation was attractive); Council officer spoke about mandates, maintenance schedules, GCC grant aid opportunities. All referred to the potential negative impact of poor quality factoring (and maintenance) linked to tenemental properties.
•Elaine McDougall outlined plans to develop a Dennistoun-wide strategy to tackle this issue and asked for volunteers for a steering group to take it forward. Two DCC members volunteered (one to provide a specific link to DCC and one with particular experience of poor factoring).
•Point on behalf of DCC: a strategic approach was welcomed and that there was a communications gap around this issue (panel members all made reference to specific reports or documentation that would be helpful for folk experiencing ‘factor-problems’. DCC website volunteered as a central resource for sharing this information and there was support for that.
•Next stage is for the steering group to meet (date tbc).