What is Neighbourhood Management?
Neighbourood Management is a process where local communities and agencies, such as Glasgow City Council, the police, and local housing associations, work together to improve local public services by making decisions based on evidence and the views of the local people who live in the area.
In Autumn/Winter 2010/11, the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership carried out a representative survey of almost 7,000 city residents to find out what they thought about their local area – this included 503 interviews in the East Centre ward.
This report summarises what people in the East Centre ward area said about their local neighbourhood, what they liked about living there and what they’d like to improve.
What were people asked?
People were asked about a range of issues that affect their immediate experiences within their own neighbourhood. They were asked their opinions on cleansing and the local environment, safety and security, as well as their experiences of a range of key public services.
What did people say?
In East Centre ward people said:
- there is a high level of satisfaction with the neighbourhood as a place to live. 85% of those asked said they were satisfied
- most residents (83%) feel that they belong to the area; and
- most residents (63%) feel safe in their neighbourhood, although this was below the city average of 74%
Local residents were asked what one thing they would most like to change about their local area. The most frequent responses were:
- more police on the streets (29% wanted this as their top priority)
- more jobs for people (11% wanted this); and
- cleaner streets (10% wanted this)
Across Glasgow, the top responses were also more police (13%), more jobs (11%), and cleaner streets (8%).
Local Amenities
Residents were asked to rate a whole range of local amenities, and aspects of their local area. Residents were most positive about:
- access to shops (with 87% rating as good)
- reputation (with 80% rating as good)
- living in attractive homes (with 79% rating as good); and
- access to banks (76% rating as good)
Residents are less positive about:
- children’s play areas (39% rate as good); and
- youth provision / activities for young people (47% rate as good)
Local Problems
The survey also asked residents about the issues they considered to be the most significant problems in their neighbourhood. The main problems identified were:
- street drinking (28% said this was a problem)
- disruptive children / teenagers (28% said this was a problem)
- drunk or rowdy behaviour (27% said this was a problem); and
- vandalism/graffiti (26% said this was a problem)
Public Services
People were asked their views on local public services. This is what they said:
- 87% rate local health services as good
- 79% rate public transport as good
- 78% of people rate rubbish collection as good
- 46% rate the police service as good, below the city average of 54%; and
- just 26% of people rate youth and leisure services as good, also below the Glasgow average of 36%
Local Environment
People were asked about their issues of concern for the local environment. They said that the main local issues were:
- 57% said dog fouling was an issue. This was above the city average
- 55% said litter was a problem. This is also above the city average
- 39% said fly tipping and dumping were a problem; and
- 28% told us that graffiti was a problem
Further Information
For further information about the survey, including results for other parts of the city, please visit www.glasgowcpp.org.uk , call 0141 287 0060, or email cpp@Glasgow.gov.uk.