For immediate release
Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) is an active group of 16 local volunteers living in Haghill and Dennistoun who meet 12 times a year in venues around the local area. Some Community Councillors have been volunteering with the community council for 8 weeks and others for 8+ years.
Dennistoun Community Council activities are non-party political. To suggest that being a member of a political party invalidates someone’s ability to take a neutral considered approach to community council activities is not only demeaning, but is in itself an attempt to politicise what is a cohesive and productive group of neutral community volunteers.
Every year, a new group of DCC office bearers (Chairperson; Vice Chairperson; Minute Secretary; Secretary; Treasurer; Planning and Licence Rep; and Area Partnership Rep) are elected at October’s AGM from, inevitably, various political parties and none.
800+ Community Councillors in Glasgow are governed by Glasgow City Council’s Scheme of Establishment (2018) which sets out the rules and procedures of office, including what to do in the event of a general or local election. This is a document we all sign up to when we submit our nomination forms with a proposer and seconder on the electoral register and living in the DCC ward.
Dennistoun Community Council actively encourages respectful community engagement. As a community group we also have a duty of care to our volunteers and we will be vocal when factually incorrect information is being circulated on local social media channels.
Dennistoun Community Council is often the last source to be contacted when accusations are made against them. We ask that our community be encouraged by our transparency and good governance practises.
All DCC minutes are produced in a timely and transparent manner and, once approved at the subsequent ordinary meeting, are submitted to Glasgow City Council and placed on our website
This statement can be downloaded as a PDF here.
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