Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games: Bring It On

Glasgow 2014 - Bring It On
Glasgow 2014 – Bring It On

This is it! The opening ceremony later on today will signal the start of the Games, after more than seven years of planning and painstaking preparations, with the people of Glasgow at their very heart.

Continue reading Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games: Bring It On


Glasgow 2014: The Opportunity of a Lifetime

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Ceremonies Cast
Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Ceremonies Cast

It’s exactly six months until the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony. Glasgow and Scotland’s biggest-ever festival of sport and culture will then be well underway. And you could be a part of it!

Continue reading Glasgow 2014: The Opportunity of a Lifetime


Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Tickets

Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Tickets
Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Tickets

Tickets to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games are now on sale – and there are only 10 days left for you to apply for them! The application period will close on 16 September.

Continue reading Glasgow 2014 XX Commonwealth Games Tickets
