“Our Neighbourhood Needs You!” Event

"Our Neighbourhood Needs You" Event
“Our Neighbourhood Needs You” Event

Neighbourhood Networks, a charity organisation that supports adults with learning disabilities and mental health problems, has a network in the East end of Glasgow and is holding an event called “Our Neighbourhood Needs You”. It will be a chance for people in the community to come along and share their knowledge and experience of the good things that are happening in our community. They are also looking for speakers who have a good knowledge of the East End, or run a project or a group, who could come along and support the event.

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Next Meeting: November 13th 2012

The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday, November 13th, 7pm in Whitehill School library.

Full agenda available here. Topics for discussion include: Save Our Sorting Office (Royal Mail, Cubie Street); DCC Action Plan (2011/12 annual review and 2012/13 draft); Alexandra Parade primary school playing field; Friends of Glasgow Necropolis; and Alexandra Park Model Yachting Club. Elected members will provide updates also.

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Draw Duke Street

Draw Duke Street
Draw Duke Street

From the 30th of October to the 7th of December, illustrator Mitch Miller will be resident in Market Gallery on Duke Street. His task will be to create a large room-length ‘dialectogram’ of the stretch of Dennistoun’s main high street that lies between Bellgrove and Duke Street railway stations. Aided by a team of volunteers who will gather information and assist his research, he will work continuously on the drawing in an open studio format, where members of the public will be encouraged to drop by, share stories and if they so wish, contribute their own knowledge and experiences to the dialectogram.

But what exactly is a dialectogram?

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Proposed Cubie Street Sorting Office Closure

Save Our Sorting Office!
Save Our Sorting Office!

This is the first in a series of three updates on the closure of the Royal Mail Sorting Office at 130 Cubie Street, Glasgow, G40 2AF and subsequent relocation to Glasgow South East Delivery Office, 14 Fullarton Drive, Glasgow, G32 8FA. Part 2: ‘Update’ is here. Part 3: ‘Proposed Changes’ is here.

Royal Mail is proposing the closure of Cubie Street sorting office in January 2013 with a transfer of services to a facility in Cambuslang.

Members of community councils for Calton, Bridgeton, Dalmarnock, and Dennistoun are concerned about the impact this move will have on the local residents and businesses that they represent.   There is also dismay at Royal Mail’s lack of engagement and communication about the move.

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2012 Dennistoun Treasure Hunt Winners

2012 Dennistoun Treasure Hunt
2012 Dennistoun Treasure Hunt

On Tuesday 9th October the DCC Chair presented the 2012 Dennistoun Treasure Hunt prizes to the winning children from each Dennistoun primary school.

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Short-term Water Mains Upgrade Disruption

Scottish Water Upgrade Works
Scottish Water Upgrade Works

Scottish Water are working to improve the security of supply to thousands of customers in parts of the East End and the south of Glasgow by upgrading stretches of water mains which have been affected by bursts in the past. They are replacing old water mains pipes with new plastic pipes to reduce the chance of pipes bursting in the future.

The work (carried out for Scottish Water by contractors Farrans) is due to start week commencing 29th October 2012 12th November, last for approximately 12 weeks, and will be carried out in Duke Street, Bellgrove Street and the Gallowgate.  Traffic management will be in operation during this work.

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2012 AGM

The Dennistoun Community Council 2012 Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday the 9th of October at 7pm in the Library of Whitehill Secondary School, Onslow Drive, G31 2QF.

The agenda includes the following items: approval of minutes of last AGM; chairperson’s report and questions from the floor; treasurer’s submission of balance sheet and annual accounts; standing down of office current office bearers and election of new office bearers.

There will also be an election results meeting where the election of candidates will be declared by the Independent Returning Officer appointed by Glasgow City Council.  All Dennistoun Community Council office bearers will step down and new officer bearers for the year ahead will be elected from, and by, the newly eligible members.

The 2012 Dennistoun Treasure Hunt

Dennistoun Treasure Hunt 2012
Dennistoun Treasure Hunt 2012

The Dennistoun Treasure hunt is back! It’s an event that has taken place yearly since 2009, firstly hosted by Dennistoun Community Together (DCT), and then by Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) since 2011.

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Glasgow Doors Open Day 2012

Doors Open Day - Glasgow's Built Heritage Festival
Doors Open Day – Glasgow’s Built Heritage Festival

Glasgow Doors Open Day is a free festival taking place on the 15th and 16th September 2012 – the 23rd year that Glasgow has hosted the event.  It provides a great chance for Glaswegians to become tourists in their own city for a day.

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