The next ordinary meeting of Dennistoun Community Council will take place on Tuesday 12th February, 7pm in Haghill Park Primary School, 415 Cumbernauld Road, Haghill, Glasgow, G31 3LS.
The consultation on the GCC Gambling Policy is to be discussed. Elected members will provide updates, and there will be an update on the Cubie Street sorting office relocation. Full draft agenda available here.
The community council meets on the second Tuesday of most months, a minimum of 7 times throughout the year. All ordinary meetings of the community council are open to members of the public, who are warmly invited to attend.
Provision is made at all meetings for the public to have the opportunity to address DCC, under the guidance of the Chairperson. It is preferable that requests for specific items to be included on the agenda are intimated, in writing, a fortnight prior to the commencement of said meeting. Contact details here.
Please share and pass this notice on via your networks to those for whom it may be of interest.