Reminders were recently sent out to more than 180,000 households in Glasgow as part of the Council’s annual household enquiry canvass to establish who is eligible to vote.
At the beginning of August every household in Glasgow received a household enquiry form detailing the information the council holds on who is currently registered to vote at that address.
People were asked to respond to this letter no matter if their details had stayed the same or if things had changed in the household.
Only one person in the household needs respond and provide information but they must provide details of all the residents.
People can reply online at www.register-online.co.uk or by phone, post and in some cases by text. The reminder explains what to do and how to do this.
Responding to this letter however does not register new electors in the household. Individual Electoral Registration requires each person not already on the voters’ role to register themselves. The electoral registration system changed in September 2014 to a new system of Individual Electoral Registration (IER). Now every individual is responsible for their own voter registration.
If you have responded to their household enquiry form and advised there are new electors in the household, these individuals will also have to complete an individual registration application. This can be done online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote or by phoning 0141 287 4444.
Refer to www.glasgow.gov.uk/registertovote for further information.