Glasgow Airport Consultations


Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Airport

Glasgow Airport are undertaking a consultation regarding proposed changes to approach and departure flight paths and procedures arising from updates to air traffic control navigation systems due to take place in 2019. Dennistoun Community Council has been identified as a consultee.

Details of what is being proposed and how you can take part in the consultation can be found via The closing date for submissions is Friday 13 April 2018.

Glasgow Airport Existing and Proposed Flight Paths
Glasgow Airport Existing and Proposed Flight Paths

It is proposed that changes will only be made to flight paths once the views of all those who respond have been considered. These views will then be presented to the regulator (the Civil Aviation Authority), before the necessary approval can be granted.

The airport is also required to publish an updated Noise Action Plan every five years and will be undertaking a parallel 13-week consultation on a draft plan. The Noise Action Plan sets out proposed measures to manage and mitigate the impact of aviation-related noise. You can find further information on this consultation via

A discussion about the above can be found on the DennistounOnline forum here.

The main flight path consultation document can be downloaded by clicking here or on the below image.

Glasgow Airport Consultation Document
Glasgow Airport Consultation Document

Published by

Dennistoun CC

Dennistoun CC's aim is to ascertain, coordinate and express the views of the wider community. It seeks to promote the Dennistoun area as a positive and inclusive neighbourhood.

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