Glasgow City Heritage Trust (GCHT) are conducting a study into the state of Glasgow’s built environment and the landscape of organisations and community groups involved in the sector. The study will form the framework for a Forum event in Spring 2018, which will identify strategic priorities and actions to be taken forward. This will be incorporated into a final report which will be distributed to interested parties.
At this stage, GCHT are looking to collect the views of the general public and have compiled a short survey for those who have some involvement in their local community.
It’s a chance for you to have your say about older buildings in your area.
- How well cared for are they?
- How do they contribute to the identity of the area?
- Do you feel able to contribute to decision making and influence change around older buildings?
Here is the link to the survey: https://gcht.typeform.com/to/h8ktfN.
The deadline for responses is Monday 16th April.
Please note responses may be shared with event participants before and at the Forum, but no identifying information will be collected. Outputs of the event will be fed back to Community Councils.