Thank you to the more than 250 community members who joined DCC’s Public Meeting to save Haghill and Dennistoun leisure facilities from potential cuts. BoltFM‘s full unedited meeting footage is now online. View below or via this link.
The minutes of our Public Meeting will be on the agenda for our 12th February Ordinary Meeting, which will be held at Bluevale Community Centre, 30 Abernethy Street, G31 3SX. After approval minutes (including any corrections, if required) will be uploaded to
After an hour of powerful, emotional and positive contributions from all attendees, by a show of hands, the community voted for the campaign to be taken forward by the Save Whitehill Pool campaign, who reassured the community that saving Alexandra Park Golf Course and Community Hub, Glasgow Club Haghill, and the Whitehill Pool Complex would be the priority for the campaign group.
DCC will continue to support these efforts and will direct enquiries and offers of assistance and expertise to to respond to and take forward. Our Community Councillor Angela Bretherton also offered her experience and attendance at future meetings and will report back to Dennistoun Community Council.
The next campaign meeting organised by the Save Whitehill Pool campaign group will be held on Wednesday 23rd January, at 6:30pm, in St Andrews East Parish Church at 681 Alexandra Parade, G31 3LN.
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