Glasgow City Council (GCC) has published a draft Strategic Development Framework (SDF) for the Inner East area. This includes Dennistoun.
The SDF seeks to put the public at the heart of planning issues and emerging development proposals across the area. GCC is holdng a consultation to gather comments on any of the issues, principles or potential planning projects set out in the SDF.
This process will help shape the vision for local amenities, active travel, green space, connectivity, transport, and housing in a Dennistoun that is a healthy and high-quality neighbourhood to live and work in.
Dennistoun ward councillor Allan Casey has arranged an online consultation event at which GCC officers will present these proposals and how you can have your say on how our area develops in the years ahead.
The event will be on Wednesday 11th August at 7pm via Zoom. If you are interested in attending, just email either allan.casey@glasgow.gov.uk or ivan.mckee.msp@Parliament.scot to receive the meeting login details.
The draft document can be viewed via the ‘Current Consultations’ page at glasgow.gov.uk/consultations.
Responses can be made by completing the online survey available via the consultation website or by emailing comments to SDFconsultation@glasgow.gov.uk.
The consultation runs until Friday 3rd of September 2021.

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Can’t seem to find the Key to the various map diagrams , especially the development and investment zones .
These images are just an illustrative selection of extracts to give an idea of what’s being considered. Full versions of these, as well as additional mapping, with a key for each, can be found in the draft SDF document available via the ‘Current Consultations’ page at glasgow.gov.uk/consultations.