The in-person consultation on the design proposals for the Duke Street and John Knox Street Avenues project will take place tomorrow, Thursday 15 June 2023, at points along the route throughout the day between 8:30am and 6:00pm, and also at Dennistoun Library between 2:00pm and 6:30pm.
A four-week online consultation also commences tomorrow. See the poster below, or the recent DCC post for full details of where and when you can take part in person, and also how to take part online, here:
GCC have issued a news post here.
Some preview visualisation images have also been released and are shown below. The view is eastward along Duke Street from the junction with McIntosh Court, looking toward toward the crossroads at Westercraigs/Bellgrove Street. The former Eastern District Hospital building is on the left (with Lidl located behind, further along) and the new Meat Market development is on the right.
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