This is an invitation to owners of flats/houses in Glasgow to register for a community and consumer consultation event on property management of factored, non-factored, and self-factored flats/ houses in Glasgow.
The purpose of the event is to identify issues experienced by residents in keeping their homes in good repair, and to identify some positive and practical actions which could support improvements in property management and in factoring in the city. This consultation event is part of the work programme of Glasgow’s Factoring Commission.
As reported previously by Dennistoun Community Council, the Leader of Glasgow City Council, Councillor Gordon Matheson, established the independent Factoring Commission in June 2012. The Commission has been tasked with developing practical recommendations to improve property management in the City. The remit and method of working of the Commission has been agreed to facilitate the identification of property management issues and problems through taking evidence from a variety of stakeholders including owners and property managers, identifying good practice, and publishing draft recommendations for consultation early in 2013. Membership of the Commission includes a range of organisations and community representatives with an interest in property management, and is chaired by Mrs Jean Charsley (Hillhead Community Council).
The consultation event will take place between 5.30pm and 8pm on Tuesday 4th September 2012 in Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3NY. The format of the event will be a short presentation on the work of the Commission followed by round table discussions with each table comprising around 10 residents and facilitated by a member of the Commission.
Spaces at the event will be limited and in the situation where the event is oversubscribed, places will be allocated to get a representative group from across the city, and from different kinds of housing stock.
It is anticipated that there will be a high demand for places at this consultation event and therefore, places must be booked through completion of the registration form which can be downloaded by clicking here (PDF). Please return the registration form by 28th August 2012. Your place will be confirmed by 30th August 2012.
Registration forms should be sent to factoringcommission@drs.glasgow.gov.uk or Factoring Commission, Glasgow City Council, Housing Services – DRS, 231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX.
Additional information on the Commission and the call for written evidence can be found on Glasgow City Council’s website by clicking here.