John Wheatley College will be hosting a Safe Glasgow community event at 2 Haghill Road, G31 3SR on Wednesday 19th June 2013, at 2:30pm.
Please try and come along and ensure that your views are heard on any crime, fear of crime, and community safety issues you may have. Your views are important.
This is a great opportunity to raise any safety concerns you have, or which you think affect your community. This could be issues of:
- anti social behaviour
- littering
- dog fouling
- speeding traffic
- street lighting
- safety in parks and local green spaces
- fly tipping
- graffiti
- bogus callers
- noisy neighbours
- untidy gardens
- fire raising
Representatives from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, Glasgow Community Safety Services, Glasgow City Council, and the Glasgow Housing Association will be in attendance at these events to hear your concerns, and to share with you the services they can offer to address these matters. Your views are vitally important to these services and to the City Council in informing their approach to these issues. They want to hear from you to make sure that your priorities are reflected in the Police and Fire & Rescue plans, in particular.
If you are unable to attend you can email your views about local Police, Fire & Rescue, or local safety priorities to Additionally you can follow @GlasgowCPP on Twitter and use #SafeGlasgow to have your say.