All 17 community councillor (CCllr) positions on Dennistoun Community Council (DCC) now require to be filled, as the current four year term ends in October.
Update: One week extension. Nominations to be received by Friday 7th October.
DCC strives to understand and express our shared community priorities in order to promote an inclusive neighbourhood and to engage positively in the delivery of local services, facilities, amenities, planning, and regeneration.
Those interested in becoming a community councillor are advised to view the two-page intro. Further guidance on community councils and the role of community councillors can also be found on our About page. Our Locality page confirms the areas covered by DCC. Our recently published minutes will also give an indication of what what to expect at DCC meetings.
The nomination form, with guidance notes and privacy information, is available for download, here as a PDF file, and here as a Doc file.
The closing date for submission of a nomination form is Friday 30th September 7th October 2022.
A PDF of the above poster is available for download here or by clicking the image.
Notes for Candidates
- There are 17 vacancies available for election. Nominees, proposers and seconders must be aged over 16 years and resident in the Community Council area and be on the Electoral Register. Alternative measures for identification status of candidates may be undertaken in certain circumstances.
- Your completed nomination form should be returned by the closing date, Friday
30th September7th October 2022: to mary.mcphail@glasgow.gov.uk or Dennistoun Community Council Election, FREEPOST RRAR-TXKT-XREH, Community Empowerment Services, Glasgow City Council, 82 George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU. - If 17 or fewer valid nominations are received by the closing date: those successful candidates will be notified by GCC of their qualification to serve on the Community Council starting from the AGM at 7pm on Tuesday 11th October 2022 in Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre, 13 Whitevale Street, G31 1QW, until the next scheduled full election to be held in October 2026.
- If more than 17 valid nominations are received by the closing date: GCC Community Empowerment Services will inform you that a contested election is to take place at a date, time and venue to be confirmed by the Independent Returning Officer. All persons aged over 16 years and resident in the Community Council area are entitled to vote in such an election.
- Further information: available from Glasgow City Council’s Community Empowerment Services team at glasgow.gov.uk/communitycouncils/elections, emailing the Independent Returning Officer via Mary.McPhail@glasgow.gov.uk, or by telephoning 0141 287 0600.
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