Glasgow’s Liveable Neighbourhoods (LNs) are intended to transform streets into safer, more attractive spaces where everyday needs can be met locally. They are to be accessible and healthy places that allow people of all ages and abilities to play and socialise outdoors in their local area. They will prioritise people travelling actively and by public transport. They are focussed on supporting local businesses.
Dennistoun is in the first tranche of this programme of projects being introduced across Glasgow, blending the 20-minute neighbourhood concept with the place principle to respond to the current environmental, social, health and economic challenges the city faces.
Initial Liveable Neighbourhood information about the community consultation process so far can be found on DCC here.
A GCC news update dated 23rd August 2022 can be read here.
A drop-in event has been organised for Thursday 13th October between 10:00am and 4:00pm at the Reidvale Centre, 13 Whitevale Street, G31 1QW.
Architect Report
Key extracts from the Stage 1 Report:
An initial list of 100 opportunities were selected based on input from community consultation; they were then narrowed down into a smaller number due to project duplications, or grouping projects together; and also feasibility and cost implications were taken into consideration to fine tune a final list of project proposals. Not all final projects will initially be taken forward by GCC; the purpose for inclusion of these project proposals is to provide support to other organisations and social groups in applying for funding/grants that are not available to Local Authorities.
A long-list of 26 project proposals has been agreed upon to align with the aspirations and themes of Glasgow Liveable Neighbourhoods.
Click on the above image for a larger version or here for the full-size PDF version.
The long-list of projects in, or directly relating to, the Dennistoun CC area is as follows:
- Railway Bridges (street, and accessibility improvements on existing bridge approaches)
- Duke Street ‘Streets for People’
- Alexandra Parade ‘Streets for People’
- Dennistoun Streets for People (includes Onslow Drive Active Travel Route)
- Reidvale Streets for People
- Milnbank to Royston Path
- Haghill active travel green routes along disused railway line
- Parkhead Forge / Hogarth Park / Alexandra Park active travel route along disused railway line
- Improvements to Hogarth Park
- Haghill Cross
- Haghill / Dennistoun Community Gardens and Woodlands
- Alexandra Cross
- Todd Street Green Space Improvements (or extension of Hogarth Park)
- Reinstating Parkhead Railway Station
Click here for a full-size PDF of the above list.
The full RIBA Stage 1 Report by Arcadis/Collective Architecture can be found here.
GCC Report
Extracts from the GCC Committee Report:
Local Ward Councillors were presented an opportunity before pre-election period to brief them on the shortlisted projects. Further to this our Spatial Planning colleagues were consulted on the projects including the Strategic Development Framework team. Following this process, a selection of 4-6 projects in each LN area were carried through to RIBA stage 2 for concept design work. […] Further consultation will be held during stage 2.
The five projects selected to be taken forward are:
- Dennistoun Railway Bridges, street, and accessibility improvements on existing bridge approaches
- Riddrie Town Centre
- Carntyne Square
- Hogarth Park Improvements
- Cranhill M8 bridge lighting
Projects that are taken forward as part of Liveable Neighbourhoods will undergo preliminary design and be presented at further engagement sessions to collaborate between community, stakeholders, and the council.
The committee workplan identifies that the Stage 2 report is to be presented at the 22nd November 2022 meeting.
Full GCC Liveable Neighbourhoood Committee Report presented to the Environment, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Committee 23rd August 2022 meeting can be found here.
Drop-in Event
The next step in this process is a drop in event on the 13th October 2022 to discuss the ideas which have been developed following the community workshops already held in Carntyne, Haghill, Riddrie, Cranhill, and Dennistoun, together with a focused workshop held at Smythycroft Secondary School in the Summer.
The event will be informal, and light refreshments (teas and coffees) will be provided. This will provide an opportunity for the various communities to view the projects which are being developed to a more detailed stage and comment.
The event has been organised as follows: Thursday 13th October 10:00am to 4:00pm – Reidvale Centre, 13 Whitevale St, Glasgow G31 1QW.
For further information please contact Chris at If you can attend it would be helpful to Chris know, however everyone is also very welcome to drop in on the day.
Click here for a full-size PDF version of the above poster.
Post-event Update
New information boards made available at this event, giving preliminary progress on the proposed Railway Bridges, Todd Street/Hogarth Park Improvements, Carntyne Square, Riddrie Town Centre, and Pedestrian Bridge Lighting – Cranhill projects, were shared to the Dennistoun CC social media channels here on Twitter, here on Instagram, and here on Facebook.
The Railway Bridges and Hogarth Park/Todd Street Improvements boards can also be seen below. Click on an image to see a larger version.
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