Whitehill Swimming Pool: Video

Dennistoun’s Whitehill Swimming Pool has now been closed for a year, with little information passed on regarding dealing with the aerated concrete (RAAC) problems.

In this video, local officials and members of the public discuss the pool’s legacy and current closure.

Video Sections

0:01 – Our swimming pool.
3:48 – Why is Whitehill Pool shut?
6:47 – What’s the new fence and gate all about?
10:15 – The community has fought to save Whitehill Pool once before.
13:16 – What now?
15:50 – Credits.

Direct link to the above video on the DennistounCC YouTube channel: youtube.com/watch?v=X9tYVM1n_WA.

We're still here! Save Whitehill Pool.
We’re still here! Save Whitehill Pool.

Earlier This Year

In September, Dennistoun Community Council submitted a status update request to Glasgow Life directors as well as our elected representatives.

At virtually every Dennistoun Community Council meeting, for the past few years now, there has been a clearly evident high level of concern and strong feeling felt by the community in and around Dennistoun regarding the provision of local facilities and amenities.

The lack of communication and engagement by Glasgow Life regarding the status of Whitehill Pool in particular is leading to confusion, speculation and palpable anger.

The following post contains full details of our enquiry, and the responses received:

Whitehill Pool Signage
Whitehill Pool Signage

More Background

For additional historical information on Dennistoun Community Council’s actions relating to Whitehill Pool and the origins of the Save Whitehill Pool campaign, see dennistouncc.org.uk/tag/whitehill-pool and facebook.com/SaveWhitehillPool.


Whitehill Pool Lane Swimming
Whitehill Pool Lane Swimming

Published by

Dennistoun CC

Dennistoun CC's aim is to ascertain, coordinate and express the views of the wider community. It seeks to promote the Dennistoun area as a positive and inclusive neighbourhood.

4 thoughts on “Whitehill Swimming Pool: Video”

  1. Fantastic video! Lets get it on social media and beyond if possible. Keep the pressure up, restart the campaign that was done in 2019, get the media involved, communicate with the community for support and a presence in any protests planned. Happy to support and be involved in getting our pool reopened. Let’s look at funding from other sources if needed too. Let’s push for answers to lack of progress in the RAACS situation, quotes, etc.

  2. What are we going to do about it?

    Can we hold another big public meeting like in the original campaign?

    We need to mobilise as a community or this will just drift into permanent closure.

    I feel desperate about the loss of our pool: I really need it more and more for my physical health as I get older.

  3. and also happy to be involved in a campaign.

    The video is really great, thanks for the update too
    … but there are important voices missing:

    notably, the local people in their 70s and 80s who used to go in the 7.30am slot and who may not necessarily be aware of updates.

    what about the group with disabilities that used to use the pool?

    it would be good to hear directly from the muslim community members who used the pool too

    How about an awareness-raising / community event / meeting in early 2024 at the Pool?

    We could gather more vox pops as a campaigning resource of pool users in our community?

    Happy to get involved.

  4. We need a long term plan for our pool – as a community.

    RAAC is just the first step.

    How do I get involved?

    (I can’t make the Tuesday evening Community Council meetings)

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